That Ol' Diesel Power | Country Song | Bear Cave Songs

7 months ago

That Ol' Diesel Power a Country Song by Bear Cave Songs

Rollin' through the backroads, not a care in my mind,
Got my electric motor hummin', feelin' pretty fine,
Then a puff and a flicker, dashboard dark and cold,
Left me stranded in the dust, with miles to go.

Voltage gone and silent, miles away from home,
Not a soul in sight, just me and busted chrome,
Stars peeked through the twilight, a lonesome sigh I stole,
Dreamin' of a diesel truck, with a heart of iron rollin coal.

Oh, I wish for diesel thunder, a truck that never leaves me blue,
Not a silent whisper, but a roar that's true,
While I'm sittin' by the roadside, waitin' for that tow,
Give me that ol' diesel power, that I know will always go!

Phone is out of signal, got no bars to call,
Watching shadows lengthen, feelin' mighty small,
Every whisper of the wind sounds like tow truck's sound,
But it's just the night-time crickets, all around.

In this modern age of progress, seems I'm out of luck,
I tried to live a little green, but I'm stuck,
Dreamin' of running the highway, diesel tank so deep,
Where I ain't forgotten, on the side I won't weep.

Oh, I wish for diesel thunder, a truck that never leaves me blue,
Not a silent whisper, but a roar that's true,
While I'm sittin' by the roadside, waitin' for that tow,
Give me that ol' diesel power, that I know will always go!
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