Electric Vehicle Dangers - Biological dangers -Dirty Electricity

7 months ago

Cars are getting “smarter” and emitting more radiation as a result. Sitting in a vehicle is, in a sense, like sitting inside a microwave. And with all the information they track and surveil, it is no surprise that they are being nicknamed “one big smartphone.”

Here are some ways what we drive may be collecting personal data or damaging our health, according to today’s guest, Keith Cutter:

- Microphones capturing audio
- Connection to software platforms
- Radiation from the battery
- Emitting dirty electricity when charging
- Touchscreen distractions
- Sensor failure for automatic braking
- Faulty crash testing procedures
- Charging stations power distribution flaws
- Lack of sufficient oversight
- High-frequency synthetic EMF within and without

We are facing “cumulative exposure risks” raising “concerns about the broader implications for those affected” and thus “we can’t afford the adoption of this agenda, and more so for our children and grandchildren,” Keith warns. Watch ‘Good Morning CHD’ for the shocking details!

Some Guy!


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