Dear Diary,7️⃣/1️⃣2️⃣/2️⃣4️⃣-9ish PM

8 months ago

My 'Dear Diary' series is inspired by the TV show 'Moesha' ☺️🖥🥰
Diary! This entry was more like a testimony! I just wanted to share how much God has done for me and, how he continues to protect me! 🤺 I have been working on my healing, meditation, ect ALL week long! 🧘🏾‍♀️ keeping my mental, emotional, spiritual AND physical in check, is a DAILY process! ✅️ I learn more and, more about myself I am so proud of ME and, the progress I have made ☺️ time after time, My Father shows me how much he cares and, loves me. I feel extremely blessed to be a Child of God! 📯✝️📯 anything I need, God provides 💯 on the flip side, I caught someone pulling out their phone and, attempting to snap a picture of me 🤨 I got up and, left before they could. That lady was being super wierd from the start! This was a couple of days ago. As a woman, it is ALWAYS smart to know how to protect Yourself when You are alone! Pepper spray, keychain alarms, keychain flashlights, keychain laser lights, ect is a good place to start! 🤔 Anyway, I have some cleaning to do this weekend. We will see how it goes! 🧹😬🧽 bye Diary! 👋🏾

🏳️‍for entertainment purposes *ONLY*!
🚩this video was created for ages 1️⃣8️⃣+
rated-R for language...🙊🤫🙊

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