Our Hexafarm Ecosystem is Growing!

7 months ago

Our Hexafarm has been overproducing beyond expectations ever since it’s installation some months ago. Our initial fish population of 5,000 have graduated to a larger feed size, and have a ‘Feed Conversion Ratio’ of 1.17, this means that 83% of the fish food we feed them is being converted into fish meet, many times more efficient than chickens or pigs! The ecosystem within this innovative structure has flourished, boasting a diverse range of inhabitants including crabs, milkfish, zebra fish, and various other species. The Hexafarm has recently started growing a human-edible seaweed called ‘Guso’ which we will soon be able to use as a fish feed as well. Our only remaining steps are to slowly introduce shrimp and lobster to the ecosystem to complete the cycle. Stay tuned for further updates as our Hexafarm continues to grow.

#Hexafarm #FloatingFarm #farming #fishfarming #sustainablefarming #ArkPad #seasteading#Polyculture

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