Turbulent Transition: Full Metal Ox Day 1231

8 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1231
Saturday 13, July 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1296

Turbulent Transition
**Because of the limited space, these essays are usually clipped on Bitchute. See the full vlog on Hive, Rumble, Steemit or Minds.

"Patience is a virtue, but it's not one of mine."
I forget where I first heard that but it was so true that I adopted it as my own. That quote is no longer entirely true. I've developed patience.
I'll tell ya what I've learned in the last decade, (more accurately that last quarter century); There's no substitution for time. That is, the space between deciding to act, acting and those actions bearing results.
We, I mean Americans, want shit done yesterday, if not sooner. We have these "sayings" that are nowhere close to possible, and we think that they can be done. It borders on mythology. But what is it called when the impossible and impractical are actually, expected? Delusion?
Help me out.
It's been nearly 24 years since 9/11, and nearly 61 years since the coup of 1963. (Have you heard the JFK assassination was faked? I'm asking, I'm not saying it was. Look it up. Decide for yourself.) So apparently it takes four generations (Four turnings?) or more for the public to learn and accept that our Democratic Republic has been usurped by dastardly globalists. And maybe the only reason we're coming around is because of the unleashing of the internet, or maybe it's sun spots, or the position of the sun relative to galactic center, or the rotation of the flat earth's core, because it certainly isn't public education.
Regardless of these extra terrestrial conditions, the world seems to be "waking up" and being convinced to join the other team. The tactics that were used in this awakening are the same ones that were used to convince women to smoke in public, back US troops overthrowing the government of Guatemala, convince the world of a lone assassin in Dallas, and take untested, unproven jabs in their arms for something that they were convinced actually existed.
Most humans only dig and critique the tactics if the don't agree with the political direction. You can jail protestors for the "good of the country" if you're Blue, but the Red team are called fascists doing the same thing. Same shit, different team.
So if you're brainwashed into believing Joe Biden got 81 million votes, that's cool. If you're brainwashed into thinking Trump is your savior, not cool.
The point is, you... mostly you (on both sides of the street) are having your realities customized to fit the identities you've so generously turned over to algorithms.
It's a growth day Saturday. No weight lifting, so we walk. It's the proper last day of Fortnight 5. We're overdue for an Urban Expedition and we decided to walk westward to the next city. It was a good day for it. Warn, not hot. Sunny and little windy, so some of the audio gets blown away, but we have some subtitles. This was a very long Rantcast, so we're breaking it up between today and tomorrow and we'll post the whole thing up on Wednesday (if we remember.)
You are informed. Have a wonderful weekend.
Today's Episode:
EXTRA EXTRA!! This is the first video I posted on Rumble. Same shit!!

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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma
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YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 9] Still in Miami picking up the fortnight fitness, fasting, lifting & body weight calisthenics. It's been 20 years since we peaked in strength. We may not reach those numbers again but we'll stay in good shape trying.

Friday Finisher: Gymmy Jamm Episode 66

Monkey Bars Session 16: Pull ups & Front level practice

Episode 65: EZ Monday

Episode 64
Saturday Special

Episode 63: Thorsday

Episode 62 Friday
Super Powers

Monkey Bars Business

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com
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Living is the best part of life.

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