JUAN O SAVIN- Are the Lunatics in control of the Asylum? - JEANCLAUDE 7 12 2024

7 months ago

Another great show that has a good flow and talks about the Money situation internationally. Russia assets and the War in Ukraine. Are we going to deal with this at home? The Clif High predictions for a "disruption in the Force" between July 15-17 and what does this look like and Juan's assessment of his version of the disruptions we are now under planet wide that don't have to do with the internet. We are so centered on what is happening with the BIG PICTURE we are doing a misjustice to our local lives. This Juan says is like "mash humor" where the Lunatics are loose and have to be put back into their "boxes". This seems odd.. but what I know is going on behind the scenes involves some AI bots and hybrid life forms that have not got proper "emotional constraits". You might have met or interacted with them. Not the spark that makes you listen. They may pass you by and they don't even look at you. This is an advanced technology that from that point of view are like the inmates of an Sanitarium or Crazy Farm. We have seen movies like 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest' or ‘The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’ (1920) that make us remember sanity is a thin veil sometimes. Are we getting to the point where humor may be the best response to this and repose is a way to look at things from deep in the Arm chair of thought. A Lot here to consider. Here is the original Program: https://rumble.com/v56ooyd-war-correspondent-special-report-with-juan-0-savin-and-jeanclaude-jul-12.html

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