Woman has screaming meltdown on her boyfriend at Airport in Florida.

7 months ago

This video (((REFLECTS))) why manosphere, redpill, men rights movement, MGTOW, and this channels like Fresh&Fit AND Undisputed Reflections exist!

This is not talked about how women are actually more abusive than men most domestic violence cases were initiated by the women and it starts off with verbal taunts and rants then its physical cause she knows that her boyfriend or husband will not do anything in return, she knows she can always lie to the police and courts claiming false cases of abuse with no evidence or witnesses, just her word against him.

Woman has screaming meltdown on her boyfriend at the Fort Lauderdale Airport in Florida.

The boyfriend sat in misery as the woman humiliated him in front of travelers.

“You’re a f**king loser, I hope you drop de*d.”

“You dumbf**ker! Because of you. Like literally because of you. You are the most r**arded person I have ever met in my life.”

Always end the relationship with females like this, protect yourself with technology (cameras, text...) to avoid females like her to make false allegations, energy vampire, mentally/verbally abusive, will seek to get you fired, take you court, arrested, contracting a disease or embarrass you in public or worst (self-deletion or murdered)

Never ever be in a relationship with women like this!

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