Sayur Lodeh - Indonesian style vegetables cooked in coconut milk

7 months ago

Sayur Lodeh is a most popular Indonesian vegetable dish, especialy in central java and Yogyakarta, so tasty and comforting always best served with rice, enjoy 😊 🙏🏽

Why not join me for an authentic Balinese cooking class during your holiday here on my heavenly island home? drop me a line to Suksma 🙏🏽😊

8 pcs shallots
8 pcs garlic
4 pcs candlenut
3 cm galangal
100 gr Snake beans
1 carrot
5 pcs baby corn
1/2 chayote
1 pax tempeh
1 eggplant
50 gr petai ( bitter bean)
40 gr melinjo leaves
50 gr melinjo fruit
3 bali hot pepper
2 big green chilli
750 ml chicken stock
1 and 1/2 tsp coriander seeds
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp ebi (small dried shrimps)
2 tbsp vegetable oil
200 ml coconut milk
Pinch of white pepper corns
3 salam leaves
1 big red chilli for garnish

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