My Prayer Song

8 months ago

My Prayer Song

Our Father, which are in heaven, Hallowed
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.
In earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our debts.
As we forgive our debtors.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the
power, and the power and the glory forever Amen.
Dear Lord in heaven, please hear my
I have fallen from your grace and
It has been too long.
Please know my heart and it is
I cannot fight this battle without you.
In my mind I deserve no redemption.
But in my heart I love you
Please forgive me Lord, for I don't know where to go.
I'm seeking your face God.
And trying so hard to turn from
my evil ways.
All glory to you God in heaven.
I give you praise.
This world has fallen and it is
dragging me down.
I fear I'm not ready when your
trumpets sound.
I confess I am a sinner.
You know it's true.
I am trying so hard to find
my way back to you.
A foolish person.
I thought I could do this alone.
I was so wrong.
I want and need to come back home.
You had sent your son just to
die for me.
And all of the people and we squandered this life so carelessly.
I humble myself before you Lord.
I am on my knees.
Come into my life and fill my
I beg you, please.
I ignore all the scoffers because I know
you are true, Jesus, my lord,
I believe in you.
I wanna know you, Lord.
And I need for you to know
me too.
I can't walk this journey without God.
Please know this is true.
My heart is breaking, my spirit is
a little by little my faith this
world is taking.
I pray to you, Father in heaven,
with all my heart.
Please save me from myself and these wicked
that darken my path.
And the way back to you. All
glory to you Jesus
I give you praise.
Satan cannot have me.
I belong to you.
Please guide my life and show me
what I should do.
Please shine your light and light up
my path.
Show me the way back to you.
I sing to Jesus with a humble
I pray not to ever hear the words,
I do not know you.
And we have to part.
This day this song, my life I give to over
Please light for me
the way back to you.
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts as we
forgive our debtors.
lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the
power and the glory forever.
Dear Lord in heaven, please hear my
I have fallen from your grace and
it has been too long.
Please know my heart and it is
I cannot fight this battle without you.
In my mind I deserve no redemption.
But in my heart I love you so.
Please forgive me Lord
for I don't know where to go.
I am seeking your face God.
And trying so hard to turn from
my evil ways.
All glory to you God in heaven.
I give you praise.
This world is fallen and it is
dragging me down.
I fear I'm not ready when you're
trumpets sound. I confess I am a sinner.
You know it's true.
I'm trying so hard to find my
way back to you.
A foolish person,
I thought I could do this alone.
I was so wrong.
I want and need to come back home.
You had sent your son just to
die for me and all of the people
and we squandered this life so carelessly.
I humble myself Jesus, I praise your
Glory to our father in heaven.
In Jesus holy name.
I love you Jesus, with all that
I am.
Please hear my words and take my
By your grace Lord, I know I
am not worthy.
But by your grace Lord, I wish
to be saved.
I believe you suffered on that cross
and in three days you defeated the grave.
I believe your words and in my
heart they are true.
Jesus my Lord, please forgive me.
I love you.
Please hear my prayer from heaven as
I stand before you, Lord
humbled in my heart.
I've fallen from your grace, please save me from myself and
these very evil ways.
Free my heart from this darkness with
your glorious light.
Please chase away the demons that I battle
each and every night.
Please fill my heart and let me
know that you still care.
Let me know that someday, that wherever you
are that I might be there.
Glory to our Father in heaven.
In Jesus holy name, Amen.

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