Silly socialist democrats think Trump is going to start start world War three.

7 months ago

The silly socialist democrats have been ripping on Trump since he announced his candidacy the first time he ran for the presidency. Everything they say negative about him now is what they said back then except much worse. They said he would start world War three. Well he didn't. The matter of fact he is the first in thirty or more years that didn’t start a war. He was getting us out of Iraq when he lefted office. Oh yeah President Joe Biden took over and didn't follow President Trumps process he laid out with the terrorist. After that President Biden let the terrorist run over us. Killing some of our service members, leaving eighty billion dollars in equipment and weapons. Then there were America that were left behind when we pulled out. Probably some of them became hostages. So all of these things happened under Joe's watch. Not Trump.

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