Old World Order - Everything We've Been Told Is A Lie.

6 months ago

Our history has been fabricated!

The official narrative is that in the mid 1800’s – early 1900’s, men riding horse & buggy built thousands of GIANT stone and marble structures, intricate and ornate architecture in the space of just a few years. But the official timeline of our recent past, does not match our reality.

Our Rockefeller “his-story” books are pure fabrication!

They teach us the “Great Chicago Fire” in school, but never tell us every major city around the world was burned to the ground as well!

Also, the civilization before us had amazing technology and were beyond advanced. There has been a massive cover-up!
fake historyhibbeler
It was the Last Great Reset.

Thank you to the people who put this documentary together, it is brilliant and a must watch.

⚠️This is the MOST important documentary of our lives⚠️


Every single narrative is the same, "the buildings burnt so fast cause they were made of timber, other flammable materials", and they made up BS stories about how those fires were started. And the history books say "we built them back better" with stone and brick.

That is bullshit, those stone and brick buildings were already there.

This was the last reset folks.

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Resist the next Reset. Do Not Comply.

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