🃏🚩GOING OUT WITH A whisper

8 months ago

Perhaps the most appropriate title for this entire series of videos.
My point, here, is to (A) show dementia as it is (For HELP go to ANCCR)*.
(B) show how poorly the media did in trying to play it down (Shame!)
(C) prove it was painful to watch and media was wrong, for those who missed it
*R U M B L E search: " ANCCR " with "Alzheimer" and/or "Type 3 Diabetes".

#1 This is not funny. It is sad.
#2 This means replacement. SAD! Pivotal Point!!! 🩰🎬
#3 Speculation July 15th resignation ( Uncle Clif's prediction? )
#4 More worried about (#3) 🙏Could become MUCH worse!
RNC 07/15 - 16 huge distraction (resigning and D.C. PotUS shake up / QUAKE!
https://rumble.com/v56o13h-both-trump-and-biden-are-celebrating-last-nights-debacle-ep.-2285-07122024.html >
🃏🚩 Next to Last Post in this Series
Next is the his final response to the press and public, which is the cherry on top of the sundae.

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