The Millstone Report With Paul Harrell: Oklahoman Fights Back After CPS Rips Boy from Family, an Interview with Gabe Woolley

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Gabe Woolley is a teacher and independent documentarian from Oklahoma who’s fighting back against the indoctrination of children in the classroom, and the trafficking and abuse of children at the hands of government agencies set up to ‘protect’ them.

Gabe speaks from a position of experience, as his own family was falsely accused of child abuse and eventually murder and had a young boy, named Clayton, taken from them in the process. He’s yet to be returned.

Gabe is currently running for the Oklahoma House of Representatives in District 98 and has made standing up for kids and the rights of their families his top priority.

Learn more about Gabe and his family’s story by checking out the Saving Clayton documentary, and keep an eye out for a new film Gabe worked on, called Trans Oklahoma.

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