White House Transcript Cleans Up Biden's Press Conference Remark About 'Vice President Trump'

2 months ago

Posted • July 12, 2024: After a previous event yesterday where President Biden introduced Ukraine President Zelenskyy as "President Putin" before correcting himself, Biden had a press conference featuring questions from some reporters who were selected in advance. At that point it happened again. The "it" being using the wrong name for the person Biden was referring to: Biden: "Look, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president if I didn't think she's not qualified to be president, so we'll start there." -- The White House transcript person might be getting combat pay since Biden took office, and this particular misstep has been corrected. That kind of correction isn't rare in White House transcripts but it's nice that Biden confusing the name of his VP with the political opponent the Dems would like everybody to believe is "worse than Hitler" has been recorded for posterity!

That kind of correction isn't rare in White House transcripts but it's nice that Biden confusing the name of his VP with the political opponent the Dems would like everybody to believe is "worse than Hitler" has been recorded for posterity! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GSTBWYAW8AAXXr-?format=jpg&name=large (…)

• More at: Twitchy - WH Transcript Cleans Up Biden's Press Conference Remark about 'Vice President Trump'
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