The Canary in the Cage Episode 17 - IT honeypots, Corporate farms ctd, and guest Mike W on mushrooms

6 months ago

IT honeypots, Corporate farm ownership ctd, and special guest Mike Wilson on mushrooms

00:00:00 - 00:03:44 Presidential golf matches and French elections
00:03:44 - 00:06:02 A way Trump's convictions might be vacated
00:06:02 - 00:08:22 The media turns against Biden
00:08:22 - 00:13:17 Biden, Parkinson's, and the nature of intelligence
00:13:17 - 00:24:50 Inflation redux
00:24:50 - 00:40:08 SAFE Act and legal implications
00:40:08 - 00:43:30 Will Biden be on the ballot?
00:43:30 - 00:51:49 Alec Baldwin trial and a possibility to remove the NFA?
00:51:49 - 00:55:09 Michigan makes it illegal to challenge a fraudulent election
00:55:09 - 01:06:36 Mike Wilson on mushrooms
01:06:36 - 01:10:14 Dave teaches about honeypots
01:10:14 - 01:16:13 Ron finishes up on corporate farm ownership

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