Joe Rogan: The Kennedy assassination reeks of conspiracy (Check Description)

7 months ago

From a fellow Anon.. (Pepe)

Joe Rogan: The Kennedy assassination reeks of conspiracy.
MK Ultra handler visited Jack Ruby in jail and he subsequently went insane, countless of witnesses died mysteriously....
"The Warrant Commission Report is horseshit.
How many witnesses had died mysteriously...The whole thing, reeks of conspiracy from the top to the bottom, from Jack Ruby showing up and killing Lee Harvey Oswald to Jolly West visiting Jack Ruby in jail, and all of a sudden Jack Ruby goes insane, to the fact that Jolly West was the head of MK Ultra, which likely supplied mansion with LSD, which ran the hate Asbury free clinic, which was where they were giving people LSD, which was running Operation Midnight Climax, where they were dosing up Johns with LSD and watching them for two-way mirrors. All this is real. This is all undisputable, absolute truth that was going on at the exact same time. To think that that's the only thing they were lying about, it's just that stuff. Everything else is there above board. That stuff was important.
What is it today that we're not looking at... What is it today that will be in 10, 20, 30 years from now? I can't believe they were all falling for that concept. That's the old you can't face. You can't fix what you can't face." X
Love seeing MK Ultra continue to be talked about with normies. It's an important subject.

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