✋SILVER - You Best PAY ATTENTION to This! ⛱️ (Gold Price Also)

7 months ago

**Silver Breakout Summer: Unprecedented Times for Precious Metals Enthusiasts**

Dive into the world of silver and gold like never before! In this video, we explore why these precious metals are defying long-standing market correlations in a way unseen in the last 50 years. Despite a challenging economic environment—with inflation, employment, and the economy all trending down—silver and gold have shown remarkable resilience. The trillion-dollar deficit and national debt are soaring, and with an election year ahead, further money printing seems inevitable. Join us as we delve into why Joe Biden's recent statements, the potential for a BRICS gold standard, and the ongoing silver deficit of 240 million ounces could signal a significant shift. See how even a little Irish leprechaun's love for silver hints at a glittering future for precious metals. Don't miss out on understanding when the above-ground reserves might finally deplete. Plus, a nostalgic look at how five quarters once filled your gas tank back in 1964, brought to you by Silver Academy.

Thanks to our Silver & Gold Bullion Dealer Sponsor PIMBEX!
PIMBEX is Best: https://www.pimbex.com/
PLEASE tell them RONS BASEMENT Sent you!
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PIMBEX ADD: https://youtu.be/Vu1Ru8x84hI

Thanks to our Sponsor FIRST MINING GOLD!
Website: https://firstmininggold.com/
Questions: paul@firstmininggold.com Director of Investor Relations

Thanks to our Sponsor FORTUNA MINING!
Website: https://www.fortunamining.com/
Questions: info@fortunamining.com
Stock symbol: NYSE: FSM / TSX: FVI

Paid Promotion Disclosure: RONS BASEMENT YouTube channel is sponsored by Fortuna Mining and First Mining Gold. Any information shared in this video should not be construed as investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell the company stock (informational purposes only).

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