The Truth Warrior | EP:50 | CEO Peter Gilhooley of The Wellness company discusses emerging information

7 months ago

Top American CEO Peter Gilhooley of The Wellness company joins me to discuss emerging information from the United States and Texas that should be getting everyone's attention.

Doctors within the World Health Organisation and who just happen to be members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) ran by death cult leader Klaus Schwab are warning of another potential Pandemic, this time of H5N1 Bird Flue Avian Influenza and that it might kill one in four people.

"Billions of people were coerced into taking these shots. Its not your fault"

Has Bill Gates and his front organisation the WHO ran by former terrorist Tedros been involved in highly dangerous gain of function research with H5N1?

Bill Gates funds his front organisation for his dodgy vaccines by 86% so its not a legitimate independent organisation.

British Prime minister Rishi Sunak told millions of Brits and billions of people around the world that the vaccines were "safe and Effective" while secretly funneling $500 Million into Moderna in 2017 long before the pandemic was declared and then using his position to enrich himself.

Moderna in 2017 had never had any successful products to market. What did Rishi Sunak know way back then to convince him to invest such a staggering amount of money in a company with no successful marketable products ?

Did he know years before what was going to happen and did he decide to personally profit from the vaccines rollout!!!

Its time to get prepared and ready for another potential pandemic and lockdown that may be coming all on the eve that could see Trump elected to President of The United States but perhaps the globalists are carrying out election interference using another lockdown scenario.

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