The Truth Warrior | EP:48 | CDC in the United States carried out Fraud

7 months ago

The Centres for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) in the United States carried out Fraud.

They changed the CDC Historical Data relating to Pneumonia and Influenza columns and lied about the real causes of death as it related to Covid.

John Beaudoin is an electrical engineer who conducted up to 200 million dollar deals with Raytheon and Lockheed Martin and dealt with Intel in At and T and was heavily involved with economics, Finance and Law and makes explosive claims.

Similar accusations of coverups of data are also being made in the UK with the Office of National Statistics (ONS)

Every death was being attributed to Covid which was also a complete fraud and done to make people believe that the Covid pandemic was much more severe than it was in order to terrify people into taking the mRNA experimental gene therapies wrongly called Covid Vaccines.

"I guess ill break this news on your show right now right here...the category of heart disease, everything is tracked by IDC10 codes for your audience and imagine a code of I4 that has to do with the heart, and that I46 is within that I4 code"

"if I46 being cardiac arrest dominates the entire I4 tune to about 70-80% of the deaths within I4, myocarditis, myocardial infarctions, heart attacks, venular failures then all the other stuff is 20-25%"

" Cardiac Arrest alone is the biggest one "

Massachusetts is the seat of great evil. Of course there are good and great people there but in this city sits the epitome of globalist and Pharmacological power and its not a good power. Moderna's Headquarters is in Massachusetts. Pfizer R+D is also here.

John Beaudoin has assembled an incredible amount of data in incredible detail of all those affected by the Covid Vaccinations. There was a huge amount of respiratory illness.

Was this all part of a concerted attempt to depopulate much of the worlds population?

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