Australian TGA Regulator Challenged by Senator Gerard Rennick on mRNA Harms

6 months ago

Senator Gerard Rennick of the Liberal National Party in Queensland, has degrees in Commerce, Law and Finance. The covid era has shown the use of law as a discipline trained in interpretation of complex information including science. Many lawyers are speaking out against the establishment of pseudoscience (or, as shown in this clip, no science at all) in place of basic scientific principles and facts.

Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme (ACE) receptors are found in the human body and serve many purposes, including being used by some viruses (eg SARS-CoV-2) to enter the cell, which is a necessary part of the virus life cycle. Without this part of the virus life cycle, infection cannot take place. If there are no ACE receptors then infection cannot occur.

The fact that children have few ACE receptors in their airways, is one of the reasons that they are at very low risk of Covid illness when they are exposed to the virus. This is also likely one of the reasons that older people who live with children have much lower risk of covid - because they are exposed, via children, to very low doses of virus, which promotes an immune response without causing illness.

Similarly, when a person is infected with SARS-CoV-2, that infection cannot reach certain organs in the body because they don't have ACE receptors. This includes the bone marrow and spleen, which are protected from Covid infection and related disease.

Conversely, the mRNA products claimed to be protective against covid, have the capacity (thanks to the lipid nanoparticles that transport them) to enter all cells of the human body, including organs of the immune system such as the bone marrow and spleen. This is important because it can lead to spike protein related harm which is not possible via natural infection.

Senator Rennick understands this. However, a representative of Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the pharmaceutical-industry-funded governmental body claiming responsibility for regulating their own pharma funders, has never heard of ACE-2 Receptors and cannot answer a simple question about the difference between the risks of natural infection with covid and injection with mRNA. Population level harm has been experienced by Australians, who should have been protected by the TGA.

Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical industry are planning mRNA factories to produce millions of doses per year of these dangerous products. Which is directly due to the fact that they are no longer regulated appropriately, having captured their own regulators through corrupted funding mechanisms. Learn more about this here:


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