THE TRUMP TRAIN: Are you, are you, coming to that train

7 months ago

Trump Train lyrics

Are you, are you, coming to that train,
Led by a man, who want's to break the chains.
Establishment is terrified, they can't control his reign,
Let's meet, this year, on the Trump Train.

Are you, are you, coming to the train,
Where brave man called out, for a wall build by crane.
Media is terrified, they can't control his reign,
Let's meet, this year on the Trump Train.

Are you, are you, coming to the train,
Where brave man called out, the fools who lead in vain.
Lobbyists are terrified, they can't control our reign,
Let's meet, this year on the Trump Train.

Are you, are you, coming to the train,
Wear hat of hope, side by side with me.
Make America Great Again,
brake the chains.
Let's meet, this year on the Trump Train.

Are you, are you, coming to the train,
To take our great country, back again.
Join the revolution, break the chains,
Let's meet, this year on the Trump Train.

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