God's Judgment Helps Us Win Our Spiritual War

6 months ago

To win spiritual battles in your Christian war, you need judgment. You need to be able to discern what is important in life so you can make the right decisions and overcome sin. Prove the vital importance of judgment in your daily battles.

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The Civil War would have ended sooner if more of the Union generals had possessed sound judgment. If they had seen the reality on the battlefield and pursued a wise and courageous strategy for victory, countless lives would have been saved. Our country would have stopped fighting and started healing years earlier.

God has a lot to say about the principle of judgment in spiritual war. He expects you to exercise godly judgment in each decision you make, every single day. This is the way to spiritual victory and resounding success in life.

Request Gerald Flurry's free booklet John's Gospel—The Love of God to understand the miraculous power God makes available to human beings in our fight against the devil. We are not alone. We are not doomed to fail. All the power of God is available to us if we choose to fight sin!

Study John's Gospel—The Love of God to discover the unselfish mindset of Jesus Christ even as He was about to be viciously beaten and brutally murdered. In fervent prayer to God the Father, His focus was on you and me! He asked God to protect and preserve those few who would come out of the world and obey God in this life. Grasp Christ's role in helping converted Christians win their battles today. Learn how to follow His example and overcome the devil just like He did.

Also request Gerald Flurry's free booklet How to Be an Overcomer, the Christian field manual for spiritual warfare. Your spiritual adversary is extremely powerful. You must be equipped with the necessary spiritual weapons and defenses to beat him. You need a victory strategy infused with
godly judgment. And you must follow your Captain, Jesus Christ, into battle each day. If you apply the practical instruction in this field manual, victory is guaranteed!

You will also receive a free Bible lesson and a transcript of this television program. As you exert strenuous effort each day to conquer Satan, the evil influences of society, and the downward pull of your own human nature, God will empower you to win miraculous victories. Christianity is a challenging way of life--but you can rise to the challenge with God's help.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request John's Gospel—The Love of God, How to Be an Overcomer, a Bible lesson and a transcript of this TV program. Order now!

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