The Truth Warrior | EP:44 | The WHO believes that dead people have more rights than the living!

6 months ago

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is a Bill Gates Front Organisation with highly questionable connections to far too many corrupt globalist politicians infiltrating our governments and parliaments in our respective countries.

Dr Tedros is Not a medical doctor but is in fact a former member of the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front, which is a highly violent terrorist organisation that remains on the proscribed list of terrorist organisations in the United States of America.

Dr Tedros has also been accused of corruption with China and sexually deviant behaviour.

These facts alone should concern everyone but the fact that the WHO is also funded by up to 86% by Bill Gates shows that this is not an independent organisation.

There are attempts to by-pass Parliamentary due process to have the legislation ratified and passed.

Anne Merel Kloosterman, Willem Engel and Wybren Van Haga join me to discuss whats happening in the EU and Holland which will affect all of us in every country.

Another Pandemic being declared will see far reaching Lockdowns and controls being directed by the WHO if Bill Gates gets away with this fraudulent attempt to gain control over the nations health.

Dutch farmers are being driven off their land by globalists and friends of Bill Gates who has bought up enormous areas of farmland in the United States.

The globalists seek to corner and dominate the food industry and control it. If they control the food then they think they can more easily control the people.

Do as they say and take that vaccination or you wont eat!!!

Farms across the planet are under threat including the ranchers and farmers all across the United States of America.

"do you want to live your life as a slave?"

"Its better to die on your feet fighting for freedom than to die as a slave on your knees"

Stop being afraid.

Its essential that as many people wake up to what is being planned and that you begin to make preparations right now.

To find out how and to remain connected to like minded people around the world we invite you to join our International freedom movement and get on board with us at to stay informed.

You need to know what happens next and how to get ready.

Its time to resist

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