Vitamin drink of longevity

7 months ago

Vitamin drink of longevity

Cleanses the body of toxins and excess fat, normalizes metabolism, makes blood vessels elastic, strengthens the heart, rejuvenates all organs, replenishes the body with essential vitamins

🔹 100 g. of chamomile.
🔹 100 g. St. John's wort.
🔹 100 g. immortelle.
🔹 100 g. birch buds.

All crushed.

1 tbsp. spoon mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 20 min. Pass through a cloth. Pour 1 cup of the mixture and dissolve in it 1 tsp. of honey. Drink after dinner

Simpler options are herbal tea, kefir, ryazhenka.

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