Murderous Judges: Danny Lacayo, Lori Chambers Gray, Chris Morton & DeSean Jones

7 months ago

Did you know #Texas has some of the most murderous judges in the country? Releasing murderers on bond only for them to kill again has sadly become commonplace. As reported by Chad Nakanishi, "The district court judge with the most defendants he freed on bond who later picked up a murder charge is 182nd Judge #DannyLacayo with 10…
Second place is a tie. 262nd Judge #LoriChambersGray and 230th Judge #ChrisMorton both have 9 defendants they repeatedly freed on bond who are now accused of murder…
Coming in third 180th Judge #DeseanJones. He repeatedly freed 8 defendants now accused of murder."


Chad Nakanishi, "Which #HarrisCounty Judges are", KTRH News Radio,

#Harriscountytx #texas #texasnews #todaysheadlines #Bailreform #cashbail #cashbond #bondreform #criminaljustice #lonestar #truecrime #truecrimepodcast #truecrimecommunity #wigwatch #todaysterriblejudge

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