Prerequisite for leadership is love of the people you lead and the willingness to die for them

7 months ago

Tucker Carlson: The basic prerequisite for leadership is love of the people you lead and the willingness to die for them
"The bigger the agency, the more effective it will be in doing what all human organizations do, which is protect themselves and increase their power. It's fundamental...
It'll only change when like we're just eliminating the CIA and we're gonna have like a small intel gathering service that feeds the president relevant information so we can make informed foreign policy decisions, but we're not going to overturn elections in other countries in the name of democracy because that's insane.
If we believe in democracy then we're gonna let people vote for their own leaders because we believe in democracy as a principle...

You just get rid of all this s... 'cause it's not helping us, it's only hurting us. and it would take someone who'd be willing to be assassinated to do anything like that.

So as you're choosing your leaders ask yourself: Does this person mean it enough to die? And that's the same question you would ask about your own dad: Does he love me enough to die for me?. About your own husband: Does he love me enough to protect me from a home invader at risk to himself?

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