Leased for 4 years and getting Ready to Sell 1325 Craneing

5 months ago

This Client got an absolute steal on this property in 2020 and bought this property. It has produced major income for them and has had only 2 tenants. The property has been leased for over 4 years.

They filled their bank accounts up with income and now are going to collect the equity part.

We purchased this property for $90,000 in Wickliffe look a at the homes in the area for sale now @

We have approx $20,000 we need to add for updates and wait and see what we sell this property for?

I will post all the numbers on our blended income and equity net profit.

Need good real estate? I mean really good?

Call me (Brett) 216-703-5740 Key Realty or WhatsApp me

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