Grand Theft Auto 3 Fire Truck Mission – [Let's Play] GTA – Episode 2 – Liberty City

7 months ago

Grand Theft Auto 3 Fire Truck side mission where you can drive around Liberty City with a Fire Truck extinguishing fires within a set time limit usually involving burning vehicles on fire. The Fire Fighter missions can be located at the Fire Station near the Saint Mark's area of Liberty City on the Island of Portland.

💡 Question of the Day:
Do you prefer the Fire Truck, Ambulance or Police missions the most?

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For these Grand Theft Auto 3 fire truck missions we will be driving all around Liberty City within many of the districts including Portland View, Trenton, Saint Mark's, Chinatown, Callahan Point, Harwood and the Red Light District.

In this episode we experience the craziness of Liberty City as avoid crashing our cars, knock into lamposts unintentionally and discover how use the handbrake is.

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Let's Play Created by – A Taylor
Audio Commentary – A Taylor
Video Edited using Sony Vegas Pro 10

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Grand Theft Auto 3 Videogame © Take Two Interactive / Rockstar Games

I've always enjoyed playing this game, I think what I like about the game is how open world the islands of GTA are and being able to travel around in various methods transport and taking part in the many side missions. I enjoy the main storyline as well but actually prefer the side missions in GTA 3 such as trying to locate hidden packages, pick up members of the public as a Taxi Driver, working as a Paramedic, Fire Brigade Officer, Police Officer and also completing vehicle storage missions.

The Grand Theft Auto Games are a series of action adventure games developed by British development team Rockstar North which was then published by Rockstar Games. In the United States of America the term Grand Theft Auto refers to motor vehicle theft.

GTA is set within an open world where a player can complete missions and playthru a story while taking part in additional side missions. Gameplay involved includes driving and shooting with stealth involved as well.

When fighting in combat the game also features a beat em up style as well which has proved popular. GTA 3 was originally based upon New York City. It's become one of the most successful video game franchises of all time though it was very controversial for it's adult nature and violent themes.

To complete the Fire Truck mission a player must travel around Liberty putting out fires where each incident occurs randomly. Rewards include cash and there are also bonuses given once twenty fires have been put out in each area of Liberty City across all three islands.

#GrandTheftAuto3FireTruck #GrandTheftAuto3 #PCGaming

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Edited Video Let's Play ©AlanTaylor2021

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