Make better Decisions Affirmations 30 Minute

7 months ago

Are you stuck in a cycle of Bad Decision Making?

Making Better Decisions Begins Now!

The use of headphones are recommended for the best results but not required with ISOCHRONIC Tones.

963 Hz Solfeggio - The 963 Hz frequency stimulates the pineal gland, which enhances intuition, focus, and clarity. Making better decisions, solving problems, and engaging in creative activities can all benefit from this.

480 Hz Carrier Wave associated with the Crown Chakra

172.06 Hz Crown Chakra Platonic - Resonates with the Platonic year, about 26,000 years. The Frequency Of The Platonic Year is associated to the Crown Chakra and effects cheerfulness, clarity of mind and spirit, cosmic unity on highest levels.

15 Hz Beta brainwave - Associated with active, analytical thought and is
dominant during wakefulness. 15 Hz is linked to logical thinking,
problem-solving, and heightened alertness. Assists in Making better decisions, increases mental ability, focus, alertness as well as awareness of self and surroundings.

Make Better Decisions Affirmations

I am decisive, making choices with confidence and power.
Every day, I make choices that lead to my ideal life.
I am confident in my ability to choose what is best for me.
My emotions play a valuable role in my decision-making.
I trust myself in making decisions.
I stand by my decisions with confidence and trust.
Decisions are made with love, care, and wisdom.
Truth and integrity guide my decision making process.
I am in tune with what I need.
I am grateful for the lessons learned from past decisions.
Every decision I make, opens me up to new experiences and knowledge that enrich my life.
I think through all of my options carefully.
Every decision made with love and compassion is the right decision for me.
I am in control of my decisions and my life.
My feelings guide me towards authentic decisions.
I have the power to change my life with each decision I make.
I am able to discern what is in my best interest.
I allow sufficient time to make a decision that is right for me.
Research and knowledge assist me to make wise decisions.
Every decision I make opens new opportunities for success.
I am able to stay calm and centered during times of decision-making.
I embrace growth and learning with every choice I make.
My decisions reflect my thoughts, values, and strengths.
I am patient and take the time necessary to make an informed decision.
Truth and integrity guide my decision-making process.
My feelings are valid and important in my decision-making.
I release all fears and doubts that prevent me from making the right decision.
I choose paths that align with my worth and needs.
I take full responsibility for my life and the choices that I make.
Mental clarity makes my choices clear and effective.
My decisions reflect my truth and bring me happiness.
I possess the power to create change through my decisions and choices.

Music by Liborio Conti

Video by Karolina Kaboompics from Pexels

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