Conan the Barbarian: Revealing Robert E. Howard's Epic Saga

7 months ago

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In today's video, we explore the world of Conan, the Dark Fantasy hero created by Robert E. Howard. Conan's Chronicles were a formative influence on me, so I revisited the stories as an older, published writer. This video tells Conan's origins in Weird Tales and the intricately woven tapestry of the Hyborian Age. Conan is presented as a noble savage, embodying raw power and an unblemished moral compass, contrasting with the corrupt civilizations he encounters.

In this video, I also touch on Conan's companions and foes, how they shape his destiny, and the various stages of Conan's life. This video highlights Conan's chilling warrior ethos and the evocative language used in Howard's prose, which brings Conan's world to life. This video also highlights the exploration of themes such as strength, honour, and the cyclical nature of civilization in Howard's Tales of Conan the Barbarian, and the eternal struggle between primal instincts and civilized norms.

Chapter 1 Rediscovering of classic hero
Chapter 2 The Drawn of Conan
Chapter 3 The Wild Heart
Chapter 4 Comrades and Foes on Conan's Odyssey
Chapter 5 The Saga of Conan's Existence
Chapter 6 Echos from Conan's World

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