Episode 103: The Democrat Parties Plan To Win The 2024 Presidential Election

8 months ago

Episode 103: The Democrat Parties Plan To Win The 2024 Presidential Election

Hello and welcome to the Office of the Patriot. in this office we try to make sense out of the nonsense of the progressive left and RINO right. My name is Myron Ybarra and I'm your host.
I hope everyone had a fantastic and safe Independence Day. Mine sucked, not because it was Independence Day but because I had a horrible flu or maybe it was covid. To be honest, I don't know and I don't care. I refuse to be a Covid statistic for our government to try to upsell the jab to the lemmings. Suffice to say it, kicked my ass for about five days straight so I missed the Fourth of July festivities and last weeks presentation. Which is just a follow up to the week prior presentation where we did a real time review and fact check of the debate between Donald Trump and mumbling Joe Biden. You're probably wondering what there is to follow up about. I mean, if you watched the debate or happened to watch our presentation, you can see that Biden, well not only got his ass kicked by Trump over the presented topics but he kind of kicked his own ass as a result of his mumbling responses and slack jaw mouth breather visuals he provided for the better part of the evening. And if you've been watching Legacy media or virtually any political commentary outlet on the Internet, you've seen probably hundreds of different reviews and fact checks as a result of this debate. So we're going to leave all of that alone and focus on what's going to happen next, an Office of the Patriot prediction for a possible Joe Biden second term and the resulting responses and actions by the democrat party.

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