sometimes a bad experience is the best experience

7 months ago

i know how i come across...very very very Cross
i don't see eye to eye w/ the very many among me
maybe that's why they despise me cos i don't see the virtue in weakness when i can seek God n He sees me thru all that
God is the only one that will truly help me
society won't fix their own problems
it's not God's fault that man is broken n chooses things that make him more broken
that scratchy sound is just right amy, it's just right
i love that chord change
sing what i want n explain it later
i have to gather my thoughts, excuse me
if you know there's a reason you are less likely to play victim about it
mistreatment has taught me a lot
i gotta get what i need to get from me n God, not the world
that's not a cope
the L is nuts cos they turn to things that don't work for them
perhaps you are in the victim mentality
american shitizens dunno how to do anything for themselves
gaytriots gay for this country's idealized history
why idol worship a place that poisons you
it's been dead, no politician will revive that
"react" on twitter DO IT. IT MEANS SUMIN
anybody can say anything, it doesn't mean nothin
i practice what i preach n fuck everyone that doesn't
it ain't a Christian sentiment i know n i'm sorry
it is funny n i'm the only one that gets it
no insult comics anymore (aside from ag)
i have the tattoo so i can trash 12 step programs
"help" don't help tho, that's the problem
it just turns into this identity complex
they have no right to be narcissistic about it all cos they quit
i guess i didn't need support
i freaked out my sponsors cos i couldn't wait to do 12 step work
most people don't like self-evaluation cos it typically ain't fun
my 4th step was sooooo much fun
they're gullible n super controlling
very few comics do actual comedy now, it's just way different
another issue w/ 12 step's this illusion of getting better
my mom doesn't sound like that but she did scold me
AA is definitely a sheep thing
what did i just scream about damnit
it sounds judgmental cos my perspective is Biblical
i guess i'm some kinda prophet or some shit
those of us that can actually see n hear...i can see why the schizo stereotype is real hahaha
anytime you listen to the voice of God you will stop believing in pharmies
those people will never have yer back
it's your responsibility to fix yer damn problems
sponsor/sponsee or therapist/"patient" has a similar power dynamic as well as liability
that contract is not for you, it's for them
it would be important to know these things up front

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