COVID-19 Vaccine Significantly Increases Stillbirth Rate

7 months ago

07/10/2024 MD James Thorp: I have been working in high-risk obstetrics for 43 years and see a large number of patients each year. Since the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, I have observed a significant increase in the stillbirth rate and a marked rise in various fetal health risks during pregnancy. The underlying cause is that the COVID-19 vaccine causes a significant inflammatory effect, which, during pregnancy, leads to damage, injury, death, and destruction.
#CovidVaccineDisaster #JamesThorp #StillbirthRate #InflammatoryEffect
07/10/2024 医学博士詹姆斯·索普:我从事高危产科工作已有43年,并且每年会接诊大量患者。自从2021年接种新冠疫苗之后,我看到死产率大幅增加,怀孕期间胎儿的各种疾病风险显著上升。其中的原因是新冠疫苗会引起显著的炎症反应,而炎症在怀孕期间会造成损害、伤害、死亡和破坏。
#新冠疫苗灾难 #詹姆斯·索普 #死产率 #炎症反应

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