they're either dead or in the other room

8 months ago

it will stop in a second, just wait
waiting is a part of life isn't it
i do standup...many people dunno this so should i always say that?
so i said i was gonna bring a whiteboard...
not trying to tour or nothin
i suppose i have a fairly intimidating aura
i will never take it personally
not gonna fear nothin but God
terrified of anyone who understands themselves
they can't wait to inform ya of their insecurity
i wish you'd prove me wrong
i pity em so i don't stay mad at em
bdpd n ptsd are emotionally entangled for this reason
you'd never say EVERYTHING anyway
saying it to the air...CLASSIC "mental illness"
maybe they're in the other room
it's crazy what they think warrants them to be ugly
the nonchalant way that i talk is way more offensive than overreacting
screaming at someone all cos they said sumin that you didn't like is kinda absurd
what am i tellin you? hahaha
they'll never hear you out so fuck em
they make it up so let em cos it's kinda funny
if you know who you are it's fine that people lie about you
so much of the world is exactly this way
i made em think i guess

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