Fighting cancer

8 months ago

How to Make Ivermectin at Home - Recipe
The natural homemade ivermectin recipe is simple. To make natural ivermectin at home you need the following ingredients:
• 1 tsp dried sweet wormwood leaves
• 30 drops of wormwood tincture
• 1 cup of hot water
• raw honey (optional)
Scald 1 tsp of sweet wormwood herb in a cup of boiling water and steep the tea for 10 minutes. To boost the beneficial healing properties of the sweet wormwood tea, add 30 drops of wormwood tincture. It will taste rather bitter which is normal, so you can sweeten it with raw honey to taste after it has cooled down a bit. You can drink 2 cups of this warm tea daily, one in the morning before breakfast and the other one in the evening, before dinner.

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