C-19 in stools was killed by hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, Unfortunately...

7 months ago

FULL TESTIMONY: https://rumble.com/v56tot1-dr-sabine-hazan-testimony-on-covid-mrna-and-the-gut-microbiome-sen-ron-john.html?mref=1bxo9j&mrefc=8

FULL INTERVIEW with Dr. Sabine Hazan: The Gut Bacteria That’s Missing in People Who Get Severe COVID - https://rumble.com/v2f62g4-dr.-sabine-hazan-the-gut-bacteria-thats-missing-in-people-who-get-severe-co.html?mref=1bxo9j&mc=69gy3

Dr. Sabine Hazan: "My lab also showed that Covid-19 in the stools was killed by hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, but unfortunately Azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine killed the microbiome. So therefore Vitamin C, D and Zinc was added.

3 protocols were submitted to the FDA from our findings...April 2nd 2020 FDA gave us an exempt letter for doing a clinical trial...we did not need to do a clinical trial on hydroxychloroquine, Z-pak, vitamin C, D and zinc as treatment or hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C, D and zinc as prophylaxis. April 4th somebody must have called the FDA and I got another letter saying I'm sorry dr. Hazan an exemption is denied, you must do a full on clinical trial.

System pressures delayed us and we got a green light to start recruiting by May 2020. By then the media created fear around hydroxychloroquine, it was impossible to recruit. This drug was safely given for years for arthritis and lupus with no problems.

My clinical trial companies were also banned and censored from advertising on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Remember, I do clinical trials for a living and never as a clinical trial doctor have I not been able to advertise to recruit for a trial on social media."

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