One Hour Of Music Velasco's Peru

7 months ago

¡Kausachun Velasco!

0:00 Himno Nacional del PerĂº (National Anthem of Peru)
2:38 La Internacional (The Internationale)
5:12 Himno del Movimiento Revolucionario 3 de Octubre (Anthem of the Revolutionary 3rd of October Movement)
8:22 Himno del Ejercito del PerĂº (Anthem of the Peruvian Army)
10:42 Himno INKARI (INKARI Hymn)
14:46 Señor Presidente (Mister President)
17:31 Edgardo Mercado JarrĂ­n
20:08 Con Esto de la Enmienda (With This from the Amendment)
22:02 La Brea y Pariñas (La Brea and Pariñas)
25:01 Yo Soñaba (I Dreamed)
27:17 Balada del Pobre (Ballad of the Poor)
30:11 Pueblo Joven (Shantytown)
33:04 Soldado Amigo (Soldier Friend)
35:32 Cuando Amanece el DĂ­a (When the Day Dawns)
37:50 Ronda de Paz (Ronda of Peace)
39:26 Peruanidad (Peruvianness)
40:28 Nuevo PerĂº (New Peru)
43:13 Contigo PerĂº (With you, Peru)
46:43 La Hora LlegĂ³ (The Time Has Arrived)
49:13 Cantares Campesinos (Peasant Songs)
50:50 Marcha a la Bandera Peruana (March of the Peruvian Flag)
51:55 Los Peruanos Pasan (The Peruvians Pass) [Instrumental]
54:58 El CĂ³ndor Pasa (The Condor Passes) [Instrumental]
57:25 Himno Nacional del PerĂº (National Anthem of Peru) [Instrumental]

== Bonus ==
1:00:06 Discurso de General Leonidas RodrĂ­guez Figueroa (Speech by General Leonidas RodrĂ­guez Figueroa)

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