One Hour Of Chavista Music

8 months ago

Also check out my video on Sandinista music.

0:00 La Hora Del Pueblo (The Time of the People)
3:00 Somos Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (We are the United Socialist Party of Venezuela)
5:19 Arriba a la Izquierda (Up With the Left)
8:17 Vamos con Todo (Come With All)
12:00 Que Viva la Revolución (Long Live the Revolution)
15:32 No Pasarán, No Volverán (They Shall Not Pass, They Shall Not Return)
20:25 Son 10 Millones (We Are 10 Million)
24:44 Mi Comandante ¡Chávez! (My Commander, Chavez!)
27:32 ¡El que Manda es Chávez! (He Who Leads is Chavez!)
31:14 Militantes con Chávez (Militants with Chavez)
35:52 El Libertador (The Liberator)
38:28 Chávez, Corazon del Pueblo (Chavez, Heart of the People)
42:26 Por Amor (For Love)
47:10 El Comandante se Queda (The Commander Remains)
52:00 Chávez Seguira Contigo (Chavez Stays With You)
56:53 El Regreso del Amigo (The Return of a Friend)

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