Americas Last Generation. | Slideshow | Astoria Queens Style

6 months ago

I try to recapture an era with authentic photo's and classic music. This is a Slideshow about the 70s to the early 90s of Astoria New York or Any town USA. It is what I would say the last days of the real NYC or USA.. These are the people I grew up with in Astoria Queens. There were so many more who's pictures I couldn't get a hold of. I feel very lucky to grow up with the people of Astoria as most of NYC felt about their own neighborhood. When speaking to a good friend of mine Johnny Walker about the past, he said "Same time same place same people". It was the last of the outdoor generation. The hanging out on the corner generation. Driving on the strip generation. The street games generation. The drinking from the hose generation. The generation of having the same neighbors. The pre 911, computer generation.

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