TGA struggles to understand the technical aspects of the vaccine - Senate Estimates 15.2.24

7 months ago

The TGA have just admitted they don’t understand the risks of the COVID vaccine.
G Rennick:
The fact that this relates to risks to the immune system is just plain negligence.

As set out on page 45 of the Pfizer non-clinical report the lipids of the vaccine entered nearly every organ of the body including the spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow.

The purpose of these organs is to regulate the immune system.

Yet as the two attached studies show these organs don’t have ACE receptors on their cell membranes. What this means is the virus can’t enter the cells in these organs but that the vaccine does.

This means the vaccine attacks organs of the immune system when the virus doesn’t.

How is this safer?

And I quote:

“In the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and bone marrow, cells of the immune system such as B and T lymphocytes, and macrophages were consistently negative for ACE2”


“Finally, despite the presence of ACE2 in numerous organs, tissues and cells have not been completely clarified and in many of them not yet investigated, ACE2 seems to be absent in the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow, and in several cells of the immune system.”

Quotes from:

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