The Men Need To Be Heard Show: Male Victims of Domestic Violence Being Forced To Suffer in Silence

7 months ago

For many decades now the narrative regarding domestic violence also known as Intimate Partner Violence has been that women can only be victims and men perpetrators.

This despite the fact that studies and data going back for decades have consistently shown that men are the victims of DV as much and in some cases more than women. Yet while there are thousands of domestic violence shelters across the US and UK for women there is only 1 shelter for men in the entire U.K. and only 2 in the entire U.S.

My guest this week is author Jared Whitaker who has was a victim of horrific abuse and who has written 3 books sharing his story and that of other male victims. Jared talks about the trauma he went through and how his mission now is to educate and assist others like him and help men get the care, consideration and support that they deserve.

Among the topics we cover:
• What is domestic violence and how does it effect men
• Why do men struggle to understand that they may be or are being abused and why don’t they seek help when they know they are being abused
• What are some of the experiences men who are victims go through when they do seek help
• How to make a plan of escape and protect yourself before, during and after you do.
• Does law enforcement take male victims seriously and should you seek help from the?
• And the most important question Why Can’t/Don’t Men Just Walk Away?

You can purchase Jared's books on Amazon by clicking HERE :

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📘 Check Out My Best Selling Book: Unveiling The Forgotten: The Plight of Male Victims of Domestic Violence & How We Can Help Them

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Men Need To Be Heard, is dedicated to bringing awareness to the issues men and boys face in today's society. Our goal is to help break the double standards and myths that surround boys and end the bias against them.

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