FlyOver Conservatives-URGENT Prophetic Report-Stacy Whited & Ginger Ziegler-Captions

7 months ago

On June 2, 2024, Robin D Bullock delivered several prophetic insights, addressing significant future events and spiritual warfare, emphasizing the need for vigilance and faithfulness. He spoke about the impending exposure of hidden agendas and the divine intervention in the nation's affairs. Chris Reed, on October 8, 2023, highlighted the threat of IS terrorist cells infiltrating through the Southern border, urging increased awareness and preparedness. In his March 9, 2024 message, Reed envisioned a rebirth of America, foreseeing a period of renewal and transformation grounded in faith and resilience.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from FlyOver Country! ‼️WAKE UP•SPEAK UP•SHOW UP‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Are you ready for Shofar-Blowing, Jesus praising, Power-Packed Wednesday Morning session with Stacy Whited?! If not, then get your mind right because we are LIVE at 11:11AM CST.



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𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘄 -

Robin D Bullock CI June 2, 2024
(16 min)
2:23:48 - 2:32:35
2:48:08 - 2:49:01
2:54:20 - 3:00:14

Chris Reed Oct 8, 2023 The IS terrorist cells from the Southern border
4:11 - 15:46

Chris Reed March 9, 2024 A Rebirth of America
1:12 -10:53



Alright, I am really excited about today's show. As you saw in the title, this is an urgent prophetic report. The reason for that is we're getting a lot of people contacting us about what happened with President Trump with his 34 convictions and we're like, okay. What does this mean? Where are we? What's going on in the Prophetic? What does God have to say about this and I've brought in today so mebody that I love. Somebody I am learning so much from. She's been in minis try for over 40 years. She wrote the book which has been life changing to me and to a lot of you. I hear from a lot of you about this book called His Blood Speaks Your Victory, The Devil's Defeat and she's going to go through some prophetic words. Today, she's going to help me break that down and then we' re going to do a training session on how to pray prophetically. Help me welcome Ginger Ziegler. Thank you so much. I love being here with you. You're so much fun and so full of life. I love having you with me on the show. We are receiving so many text messages, comments about the the interviews that we've been doing. They're so excited about the information that you are sharing and this is a big time. Ginger, I contacted you today or the other day when this went down with President Trump, I was a little discouraged and you had some words for me. So, before we even go into The Prophetic, we're going to start with Church International with Robin Bullock. Just tell me your thoughts on currently what's going on with President Trump and where you see us as a country? Well, I see us at a crossroads, a very critical crossroads and the eclipse and everything that God's been doing and what he's been saying through the prophets but I still believe and I'm holding on to the fact that Kim Clement some years ago prophesied that he would be president then there'd be two presidents and then president again. So I'm holding on to that because what the enemy likes to do is get us and in fact I was sharing just recently that you know when Noah started building the ark he was trying to tell everybody hey y'all it's going to rain and they said oh no it's not going to rain we've never had rain what are you talking about this water comes up from the earth you know and he just kept on building because he knew that he had heard from God so sometimes we just need to keep on hammering and so we're going to just get to that place to where we just stand and and if God wants to change it then he'll tell us you know he just say like give it up or whatever. Yeah. But we do have a lot to do with prophecies coming to pass and we don't realize how much we have to do with it because we have the opportunity to pray out those those things that God is telling us and pray and to cooperate with them. Just to go back to Noah again. They had the opportunity for that art to be bigger. And they could be a part of it. But they didn't want that. And so Jesus talked about in the new Testament he said it was a quote from the Old Testament in Isaiah. He said y'all closed your eyes and y'all closed your ears. I was going to heal you but you guys wouldn't cooperate. And then Jeremiah here's another example. He said you guys knock it off. Stop sinning like you're doing. He said because you're going to end up in a place you don't want to go. And he did that for 40 years. And so we've got to stop blaming it on everybody else. And just say Father what are you saying to me? And what can I do? What is my part? What can I do to help turn where we are right now. Critical critical days our nation you know Chris Reid we're going to talk about that in history and he said as Israel goes so goes America we've got some things facing us but I firmly believe a lot of it we can change a lot of it we can stop and some of them we can alter but it's going to take I think real humility and grace to where we can get to the place to say lord if we've messed up forgive us help us and whatever whatever we need to do, let's do it and so, I've just been encouraging everybody. I said, I believe it's still going to turn out. We're going to stand and but God knows everything but I'm telling you, he doesn't need a whole bunch of people. He just need somebody that'll believe what he's saying and do that. I mean, he only had one Noah. Mm hmm. He only had one Abraham got it and so, it's like, I hope the whole nation goes, oh whatever, help us Jesus but if they don't, there's a bunch of us that have said that. So, that's what I think about it. We're We're at such a serious time. You know, I Stacy, I'd started praying with that mandate he gave me in 901 and I saw a bunch of stuff back in 91 and I just pretty much keep it to myself. I've walked this out all these years. Prayed tens of thousands of prayers. Who knows how many with groups of people and everything and so, I knew this day was coming and we've changed a lot of it and we've delayed a lot of it but God told me that day, he said, be like Joshua and learned how to hold the sun and the moon tell it stand still and I said, how am I going to do that like like give me a clue in life and that was in 901 and I'm still doing it I'm still saying I'm still decreeing and I I believe that it's not time I really firmly believe that we got to have this Wigglesworth revival worldwide everywhere you know no need among the signs wonders and miracles Acts 433 and I I just think God is working with us and he's working with a willing heart so when I heard all that I was like oh Okay, God I'd like to get spit and mad. Yes. But I said I want to have a heart that will pray for people that doesn't want to do your will. I want to pray for them that they will be able to see your goodness, your long suffering, your mercy but I'm also give me prayers to come against the devil and tell em what time of day it is. So, that's why that's why I sent you that text. Don't worry about it back up. Let's make it happen. Yes, exactly and then when I came back with David is mad and you're like, good. Make sure he's mad at the devil because that's where the that's where your effort to go towards that right there. Yeah. We're partnering with God and what he's doing during this time. That was that was such great advice. I thought, okay, that's really good. That's really good. We can do this. We can do this. I was laid down for just a little while but then I sent that text off to you after you texted back. I'm like, okay, we're okay. This is going to be good. I don't know why I'm surprised that the prophets have been telling us there's going to be a shaking. They've been telling us all along. I'm not I'm not sure why I was surprised but or maybe a little at the time. Well, a lot of people were though because we were expecting it to be different but I knew it wouldn't. I mean, God had told me, he said, just get ready for it and I said, whoa, how am I going to get ready for it? And he said, because you need to be steady because if you can be steady, there's a whole lot of people going to be shaken and if you be steady, you can help them and I was mad on fire. I can tell you. I wasn't mad at any of them although I wanted to be but I I knew that was not the right thing to do. Our real enemy is Satan. Yes. Is that it's that simple and if we make sure that we direct our anger at the right you know right situation it's the devil and he's not going to win this. God is God. And it's going to be like God wants it. And so we're going to stand there. And you know I mean that old saying let's go down with the ship if necessary but I don't think the ship's going to go down. We've got all these I don't know how God's going to do it. I've been telling my I got a whole bunch of my team here this morning. And I've been telling them I said look y'all get get a Clue in life. It is going to take the supernatural of God's intervention. Got it? Yes. Now everybody's doing their thing. We got all these people doing stuff. I'm doing my part. You're doing your part. Everybody's doing their part. But we've got to understand how to get the supernatural power and move of God intervening. Mhm. To change this. This is a different ball game. We've never played this game before. We had wars. We've had all kinds of things but because of the time that we're living in, this is different. This is totally different. So, people have to learn to pray differently and have to learn to be prepared and people ask me, how are we going to be prepared? I said, well, first of all, just use common sense. Good night. You know. Yes. Like, hello. Just make sure you got gas in your car in case the lights go out. Yup. And but just be but also say at the same time, God, how are we going to change this and what is my part in it? You can't do everybody else's part but you can do your part. We all do our part, we're going to get it. We're going to win this thing. Going to turn it around and I'm not willing to give up yet. So, I'm not going to. No way. I'm not either and you actually just brought us into the very first one. We're going to do three different prophetic words today. The first one I'm going to start with is actually from Robin Bullock Church International on Sunday June the second and he does talk about the part that we're playing right now, The Destiny and that's why I'm wearing the shirt today born for such a time as this. So, we're going to watch that then we're going to come back and Ginger's take on this. Check it out. Fear is a crippling thing that causes you to halt or limp. It makes you indecisive. It makes you make your plans according to fear. The fear of death entered into the Garden of Eden. It scared man so much that he hid himself from God. This is what fear is designed to do. Fear is for the implementing of Satan's plans. Yeah. Without fear, Satan can't implement anything. The enemy must have it in order to get you and I to make our decisions. If we make our decisions according to fear, we will limp our whole lives. People look at this decision made about Donald Trump. It was done so that everyone would fear. The judge, the jury, the prosecutor, the venue he was tried in. There is no crime even by their own admission. When his attorneys objected, they were silenced. He's under a gag order. He can't speak. Are they threatening with house arrest? They're already looking at how the secret service will set up in a prison for him to run the country. This is how sure they are that he'll win. All of this is designed to strike fear into every believer. Already people are backing away from him in fear. What they have done is to tie a man's hands behind his back and beat him. That's a coward's way. It's a coward's way. Yes. You know, I came up in a world that's different than a lot of people. My world was just different. You know, I was raised like it was nineteen twenty. When it was in the 70s and to have a car was really something. And so you know, when you don't have any running water in your house, you have no bathroom in your house, things are different. And so I remember my my cousins. That's all I ever knew was my cousins. Boy, some of them had beat the living daylights out of me every day. I mean, and until one day, I I had enough of it. And I told one of my cousins he's he's you know a lot bigger I just a little boy slap me without cutting wood. We had to cut wood and they didn't have no heat. So without cutting wood, he did that. I picked up a log. I jerked that log back like that. He said, don't you hit me with boom. I hit it right. Don't you hit. I broke it right over the front of his head but the thing was it was rotten and I didn't know it. I started running. I started running. But he was he was tough this particular cousin I don't know why I'm telling you this but I guess I am he was really tough and he was the toughest guy I ever knew and you know I remember he sliced his foot open real bad one time and they carried him to the emergency room and he's sticking a needle in the bottom of his foot now you gotta remember this is in early 70s he's sticking his needle in the bottom of his foot like that he's grabbed that doctor's hand he said Sow it up. He said, man, you can't stand it. He said, I can stand it more than that. He stood there and never made a sound while they sewed his foot up. He's just he was man I mean he he was tough I remember one night you know he got a car one time whoa car poor boys like us with a car he had didn't have a headlight on one side that had been hit but it was it was gold. He's going up the road and these rich guys come by. We call everybody rich. If you had new shoes, you're rich. You They come up by him but when they come up by him, they made a mistake. They started mocking his old car. They got up beside him, start laughing at him. Just mocking him, laughing at him. He went bam. Just they went bang. He hit him again. They took off. I come up in another world. Don't you go do that. That's stupid. But that's what he did. And Imma tell you his attitude about things. He is seeing this girl he walked to her house 10, 1520 miles this other guy liked her too and he had plenty of money and had a car and all that and so one night this guy and his two friends they're his age my cousin's walking home from the football game that's all he could do is walk and he's walking home and they pulled up and said hey Neely So, we going to whip you now. He just took his shirt off and threw it on the ground and started walking toward him. There's three of em. They said, you can't whip all of us. He said, I'm going to get you first and he started at him like that. They jumped in the car and took off. He meant it. That's what the body of Christ, the attitude they've got to get in the spirit. When it looks like we're outnumbered said, no, I'm going to get you first. That's that's kind of the way you've got to finally develop an attitude against fear and people trying to make you afraid. This whole thing you watched is to make you afraid. Yeah. Well, Imma tell you something right here in front of this church and and the world over. Trump is still heaven's man. How do you know? Cuz God told me what? Hell I don't I don't believe God talk to you I don't really I don't give a rats behind what you believe about that I'm not listen I honestly honestly now really I don't give a hoot in hell what you think about that I ain't your servant well you shouldn't talk that way won't you just stop your ears up listen I ain't going to try to be somebody I'm not but I do know when God talks and he talks to me about things and he talks to me about things that I that I tell and that you can't deny they happened. So, I'm not out to prove my call to anybody but I am out to ask the body of Christ something. How long are you going to halt between 2 opinions? Amen. How long are we going to halt between two opinions either we stand and believe what God told us or we just give in and just knuckle down but the moment you give in and say well whatever is is Do you realize that the that there is things the scripture talks about that knows no end? There's things that say it's never enough and once you give in to fear, it's never enough. It's like the fire always says, there's never enough wood. Right. Never. Today is a day to quell all fear in your hearts. The only thing, how be it? What about politics, brother? You going to say anything just straight at us? The only thing that could keep Donald Trump out of office is Donald Trump. What do you mean by that? He would have to just say no. So, maybe that's straight enough. The only thing that can keep you from fulfilling your destiny with God is you. In Genesis chapter one when it says, it talks about on the day in Genesis one verse eleven and then Genesis two verse six and seven you find out these two verses coincide together and it tells the explanation of one tells the other and what happened as the one happened then this happened as a result of one and on that day was the third day and God laid down in the earth and cast his image in the earth everything had seed within itself was planted on the third day and it was planted there and man has seed within himself and it was on that day that a mist came up from the earth and God lay down in the wet earth and cast his own image in the earth that's why he could he could shadow the man in the Hebrew he could lay down upon the man fingertip to fingertip eye to eye nose to nose catch up his spirit in his breath and and and exhale it into the man's body and the man became a living soul looking at God God's very own heir and he raised him up out of an open grave as he open the earth and brought him up out of the earth and he's prophesying that the day will come when I will take the form of a man and die and be buried 3 days because he was planted on the third day and the Bible said on day six three days and three nights later he was brought up out the earth and it was a prophecy of something to come it was a prophecy because only something above something can redeem something below it you can't be below something and redeem something above you So, he he said, this is the prophecy. He cast his image. He made his own image, his own likeness and he cast his own image on day three. On day six, he raised it up out of the dust like a grave he opened and brought him up. And the man was a had became a living soul looking into the eyes of God and what the prophecy was was if the man should ever fall He is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. He's already made provision to redeem him and the prophecy was given. I will have to become a man and die and be buried three days and nights and rise again to get him back. Are you are you tracking with me? From that moment You have to ask yourself, the plan of redemption and the only one could do it was God himself but who was going to determine the time when that would happen? The man. If the man sins and falls, he's the one that determines the time when that prophecy moves into motion. Are you listening what I'm saying? It was the man that determined the time when it would start. God had the plan in the foundation but it was the man if the man sins that begins if he never sins it never starts So you can't say God is in control of everything whether you like it or not, will God's plan come to pass? Yes. But it is you that determines the time of that in your life. Until you determine to walk your destiny. That plan is just in the spirit. So it is not just him deciding what and when it is him deciding what and you have to decide whether you're going to be the when does that time start when you give your life to him and if you won't walk with him that time will pass you and if your time and your your part of prophecy determine the deliverance of a whole nation if it the deliverance of a whole nation and you don't accept that time then you become like Esther Mordecai told her if you don't do this you were brought to the kingdom for such a time as this said how do you know if you wouldn't brought here for such a time as this but if you don't do it God will raise up deliverance from another place his plan don't change but the person either chose it or didn't So your part of prophecy is inexcusable old man. You cannot point at God and say, you're in control. You should have made me do it anyway. So, it was always determined that we are co laborers with God. Wow. Okay Ginger. That is deep. There was a lot to that. I remember hearing Prophet Robin talking about President Trump before. Like this was his choice. This was before even President Trump said he was going to run again in 20 twenty-four. He said the only thing that would keep President Trump from sitting in the office of President for everyone to see would be President Trump. And then when he ran for office it was like him his willingness now came into alignment with what God was saying that he said yes I come into alignment and he made that step towards the office. So again, hearing today that the only person that can keep President Trump from being president is President Trump. The only person that could keep us from our destiny is us. God's plans are going to come to fruition is just are we willing to partner with him like he gave that to Esther. What do you have to say? I totally agree with that because and I think President Trump has made it real. He went to the Bronx. I mean, right in the middle of a mess. Yes. So he's obvious. He's standing. And what God showed me way back in twenty15. I had a group that was praying with and he showed us that it was he was like King David. And he said I want you to understand you're going to follow him from cave to cave. But the day's going to come that when Judah and Israel comes and they're going to make David king even though he'd been king all that time there a day appointed day that this thing is going to happen and so when he got in the first time we were just following him cave to cave and then when he wasn't in there we're following him cave to cave so I'm still waiting for that day that they're going to come to make him president and so I think it's settled as far as he's concerned but I do want to say our part we're co-laboring with God and I was thinking when he was sharing that prophet Robin he talked about the Red Sea opening and it's really interesting in Exodus chapter fourteen and verse fourteen. 14 stands for generations. Isn't this interesting? Mm hmm. They were at the Red Sea and the big thing about the Red Sea. I've been waiting for the Red Sea prophecy that he talked about. Been waiting for it to happen. I thought, okay, we're right at it now but the key to that was them shutting their mouth and stop acting like bunch of babies because it says right here, he said, the lord will fight with you. Hold your peace and remain at rest and so that's what we gotta do right now. Having done all to stand then stand. I mean we've gotta get to the place where we're going to do our part too. When the angel came to Mary and said you're going to have this holy thing. You're going to conceive this holy thing. Nothing happened till Mary said be it done unto me according to your word. And so our part in core labor with God is like God this is what we understand you want. This we believe we know we want it. We know we want this nation turned around. We know we don't want what's been happening and going to get worse. We know that. So what we're going to do is we are in agreement. Can you imagine sometimes we just gotta get a grip on how big God is. He runs all these universes that we have no clue that are out there. Yep. He talks and he ministering to everybody. Gillions of us all at the same time. And then he said well I just need you to help me in prayer. Like yes sir. Yes. And he's just saying would you just agree with me please? Cuz that's what he was telling them. There he will you guys just and give me just a few minutes. I'm going to I'm going to send the wind of the Holy Ghost going take care of this thing. And in the message translation it said when they when the Lord was telling that it he's the Lord said in the message he said take a good look at those enemies because you'll never see them after today. They'll be gone. And so we gotta get to the place to where our part is yes Lord. This is what we understand. And we're what's my part in this? How can I do this? What can I you know you mentioned Mike Lindell mentioned we got a myriad of people all over the place. They're all doing their part of this. We're all you're doing your part. I'm doing my part. All of us like there's jillions of cells running around in our body doing that's why we're still up today and we're doing what we're doing because all these cells are cooperating with each other and when cells don't cooperate with each other, they call it cancer and so we don't want to go there. So, we just want to say yes. I'm I'm going to do this with you and so how do we pray? We pray, we pray, we pray, we pray whatever prayers God tells us to pray at that time. So I'm all for it. And I can tell you it's this is so deep I couldn't even articulate it to people. And ninety-one when the Lord was dealing with me about praying for this nation. To stop doing some of the things I was doing is just start praying. To start living in the prayer closet for this nation. He touched the depth of my heart because he told me about my children. And they weren't even married at the time. My grandchildren and my great grandchildren. And I'm telling you what that makes me get up in the morning. That makes me keep going. When I'm so tired I can't hardly put one foot in front of another. Because I said I said several years ago the Lord said I got three things for you to do and I said okay I'll make a deal with you. I said if you keep me healthy and strong I'll do everything I can do. I'll do those three things. And one of them the first one was the nation. And of course the blood book. Cuz we're going to have to have this weapon to be able to stand against Satan himself. But we gotta have a cause. You know David said is there not a cause? And if you look up that word cause it means word. Is there not a word? Is not a prophetic word. Come on. Hello. Whoo. I mean, think about the scripture. I looked that up. I thought I knew what it meant. I thought it meant cause but anyway, one day I looked at him and said, oh is there not a word? There's a prophetic word. We're right on the edge of everything going south and we don't like that. We don't want that but we're also right on the edge of things turning around. How's God going to do it? I don't know. How did he open the Red Sea? I don't know. Far as I know, he has never opened another Red Sea but he did open the river Jordan. Has he done that? I don't know. But I mean that was pretty cool. Yes. And so like why are we limiting God Almighty? And you know we we really need to think what we're doing and what we're saying. If God can take us all the way to Heaven to the Lord Jesus Christ. Can he take us through a day? Can he take us through an election? Come on. Can he like hello something's wrong in us. And he also he's talking about fear. I think that's important. And my take on fear. I have I see it a little bit different. I asked the Lord I said was the fear in the Garden of Eden? What what was that? And he said the fear of rejection. Mm. He said because that's why they ran and that's why they hid. They were afraid that I was rejecting them. Now I'm going to talk really hard okay? Good. Everybody ready? Ready? Yep. I'm ready. Okay. Like Kenneth Copeland always says get got your catcher up. Um what we're really dealing with is the depth of the fear of rejection. What if God doesn't love me enough to save this nation? Hm. What he, what if he doesn't love my family enough to turn this nation around? Come on and you deal with that deep on the inside and you might not be able to answer it for yourself but I remember that day sitting on that rock in Cape Town, South Africa when he asked me that. I said, well, I don't know if I have enough together to be able to do all this for myself and he said, can you do it for your children? Can you do it for your grandchildren? Can you do it for your great grandchildren? I said, yes, sir. I can do that because he went inside me and he found a cause. He found a word on the inside of me and I'm still fighting and I'm still standing and I'm not going to give up. I'm going to just and and what if it doesn't turn out? I'm still going to be fighting. I'm still going to be standing. I'm still going to be believing. There's this but God needs people to do this today. We gotta stop this other stuff we're doing and don't be afraid. I've seen Satan two times. Satan, not demons, Satan. I've seen demons too but I've seen angels too but I've seen him two times and God did so amazing thing that there was I can't even tell you myriad of evil spirits all over the place I had no fear because I knew Jesus was there how can you not you can't do that in the natural that's supernatural yes I mean most people scared out of the wits you know the demon shows up but God knows how to help you you've got to conquer fear and the way you do that is God loves me and he loves me enough to take care of me oh that is such that was my preaching message for today that Is so good and I think that's really important. We have to we have to have that but I want to go to the Chris Reed Dream and this is pretty significant Ginger and I'm really glad that you're on today because this is the October 8th Dream, 2023 that he had as goes Israel so goes America but God had already told you this ahead of time a few years prior. Can you talk a little bit about Enclave and then we'll set up this video with Chris Reed. Yes October the seventeenth 2020th three o'clock in the morning I was taken in a vision literally a vision taken into the heavenlies where not heaven heavenlies where Satan is and take too long to give you the whole thing but I I was up above the earth looking down in this heavenly place and on the other side of the earth I saw this black looking blob thing come up on the other side and I was just and I was try understand. I said Lord what what am I saying? What what's going on here? I wasn't afraid and I knew there was demons all over the place. But I watched this thing and it took form. And as it took form I could kind of describe it. I I can't draw it but I could describe it. It took form and as it did I knew it was Satan. And I'm on this side of the earth and he's on this side of the earth. We're up in the air. And so I asked him I said what is your name? And he said the ancient of times. And I was like I was trying to find that in the Bible in my mind. I was going from Genesis to Revelation trying to find and so in this thing that was happening I looked at him I didn't know what to say and so I was saying Jesus talk to me put your words in my my mouth and so as I saw this I looked at him and I said alright I said you are a liar and the father of lies and then on this in this enclave thing I was in that same heavenly places and there were myriad of people on the left and the right but they didn't come any further than where my arms were they didn't come and em and they were behind me and I don't know how many was behind me but I knew there were good people, bad people, and they were evil spirits and so Jesus is up further from me and I was my eyes were right in his eyes and I was saying, Lord, put your words in my mouth because I knew I had to pray to stop whatever this was. This was going to be so bad and so anyway, it was quite a it was quite an evening and and at the end of it, the lord said these words to me. He said, enclave three times but he yelled it real loud enclave enclave enclave then three times he spelled it E N C L A V E three times real loud and my eyes are just big as saucers man I was just keeping my eyes on Jesus I was trying to figure out what I'm doing and then he looked right in my face and he said right in my eyes and he said I'm telling you like this so that you will remember it and then thing I know I was back in my bedroom and I grabbed my phone and then this is me I'm just normal I said lord I don't even know what Enclave means I know it's a car but I know we weren't talking about a car up there I was like hello I know this is big stuff and so I grabbed my phone and I looked it up and I found out that basically it meant three things people of another language people of another nation and people of another religion being surrounded and that's what that was up there so I did tell people except for my prayer team. And we just prayed, prayed, prayed and we said we're holding it back. We're holding it back. We're Joshua Sun Moon Standstill. So all these years went past and then Chris Reed had this dream and I had a couple of people call me the day that he had this dream nationally known people. And so they said Chris Reed had this dream and he's going to be on my program and I said send me the dream as quick as it happened and so when I heard the dream and I took it apart I you know printed out and his dream followed exactly what God had shown me in 2020, but I knew from that even though that was in 23 I knew that we could still hold it back I knew that we were going to get to a place to where we would see signs or signals warnings to where we were going to have to deal with this because he talked about the 12 cells and he talked about their communication system and he talked about how God had given him a communicate ability to see and to know in the realm of the spirit and so as we see that then I said God you're teaching us how we can pray in the spirit realm of seeing and knowing and we have the ability just like Elisha he had a bed chamber anointing he could hear while he was in there praying and he could say okay they're going to come over here okay they're going to come over there and then he would send out the message and he would say hey we can cut them off at Pastor over there and I'd learned that like I don't know way back in the early nineties I learned to pray like that. So Chris's dream is imminent right now where we are right now. It's about to happen. I I didn't hear the whole thing. I heard about three words yesterday that a decision was made about the border. We'll see. So anyhow we've got a situation we're going to have to deal with because it won't be one. It'll be a series. Mm hmm. Everything works in series. Uh the enemy knows he works with Numbers. We have to understand the Hebrew calendar better than what we do and I have couple of people help me to understand it and so we've got to watch. We got to listen for signals because we have got to stop everything we can stop. We gotta change everything we can change. We got to alter the rest of it and so we got to be awake, wide awake to what Satan is trying to do during these days right now, these weeks, right? We're right on top of it. We're right on top of it and so that was how I understood his dream. I understood. Soon as I heard his dream, I understood every bit of it. I said, it's already happened to me and not too long before he had he had the dream. I had started telling a couple of you know, people, couple of prophets. I said, I just felt like now I need to start telling about that enclave. I'd kept it to myself and to my prayer group but I said, I think we're getting close to it and sure enough he had that dream and I knew it. I knew and then the dream about the rebirth. I can tell you about I could I could take hours and go boom boom boom we got it. So we know how to pray when you understand it like that. Did that help if I go too fast no that helped a lot in fact I'm going to I've I the lord has brought this to mind over the last few weeks again and so I've played on my show I even did a special report about the dream but I felt like the lord said we need to play it again because you just talked about it God told you already about it in 2020 he had this dream in 2023 but we're going to remind the Flyover family about it check this out I had this dream on Saturday night October the eighth twenty twenty-three in this dream I called the US terrorist sells from the southern border now I hesitated to share this for several days and I didn't get permission from the lord to share it because I wanted to prayerfully contemplate it but after much contemplation I decided to share it and I'm glad that I'm sharing it now so that you can be aware not in fear but in high alert with situational awareness with an of prophetic discernment to know the times and seasons. On October the eighth 2023 that Saturday night I had a dream and in this dream I saw a map of the United States and I saw that through the American southern border amidst the 6 million plus illegal immigrants who have come across the southern border since President Biden took office amidst those people not all of them are bad but infiltrating coming through those millions of people that have crossed illegally there I saw thousands of trained terrorists from the Middle East countries that have crossed illegally into the US in the dream it was the most strange and unique scenario I was given a cellphone and was somehow able to read encrypted communications explaining the coordinated plan of terrorists for America to hijack the government and to ultimately bring destruction here at home. I remember somehow being able to read the words quote so goes Israel so goes America unquote. The attack as you know in Israel came the southern border at a breach of security and intelligence and in this dream, the same thing happened at the US Southern Border. Many of those who have come across our US Southern border, as I said, are not evil people but many people from Middle Eastern nations have come across the southern border the last almost three years and are trained terrorists. I know for fact in one month this year they caught now these are ones they caught more terrorists in that were on the terrorist watch list in one month and they caught the entire time of the four years of the Trump administration now these terrorists from Middle Eastern countries have taken advantage of the open US southern border especially since the disastrous Afghanistan pull out which basically not only allowed Afghanistan to be taken over by terrorist but we left weapons and highly valuable expensive armor artillery of the US military there and it looks like from pictures on the news that they are using the terrorists are using the weaponry that were that was left by the US from the disastrous Afghanistan pull out in August of twenty twenty-one. So Afghanistan became since then a breeding ground for terrorist. In the dream I saw Jihad research as a result of the vacuum left in Afghanistan from the US pull out. I read on this cellphone in the dream which nations the terrorists were coming from and I remembered seeing the Stan Nations the nations that the name ended with Stan such as Afghanistan or Pakistan or Uzbekistan now in this dream they were working in coordination with the cartels at the southern border to get these into into the United States and once they got across the southern border into the US they would relocate themselves in the United States accordingly as they were told from command that they were somehow receiving communications through this technological device I was I was given a cellphone I then saw at least 12 dormant terrorist cells on the US map and these terrorists that infiltrated at the southern border were mostly taking shelter initially in sanctuary cities and once they got there through this communication device they were given contacts of like-minded terrorist in those local areas they were relocating to to connect with upon their arrival they could in those communities where they could now establish themselves, establish a life, and they were promised from command, the one that was giving them instructions through technology that if they would comply, their families would be rewarded financially, and that they were promised rewards in the afterlife if they complied. There were twelve places I saw in the US that were sleeper cells, dormant terror cells, and I saw a few places on the map where they were. I saw, I remember seeing Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, Texas, the Carolinas, and the Northeast, the New England area, New York, Boston, Philadelphia in that area. The plan was this, it to control the actions of the US government and to dictate our foreign policy and our response to events in the world and they would control how we would function with our defense, our response to world events by blackmailing the US government. It was this, quote, if you do, this in any particular situation we will coordinate a response ultimately the final one being a detonation of explosives if the government didn't comply with their wishes the demands were clear number one in the dream I was shown the demands upon the US government were don't use the US military to attack or fight against Islamic terrorists number two continue to send funds to Iran and other terrorist states to support them in the name of foreign aid number three they had pictures explicit in nature of US politicians in every branch of our government that they threatened to use if the US crossed their red line number four explosions were the last but before that, they could attack the infrastructure with technological disruptions, blackouts, and other technological disruptions as a means of controlling the US government and our response and our ability to defend and go on the offense. They could also coordinate through this technology of communication. They could coordinate with mass shootings. Or mass knife attacks or they could take hostages in various places in the United States for ransom money. I then finally saw a a detonation happen across the US with smoke clouds all over the map rubble destruction and disaster. I woke up in a has troubled me for days I I couldn't even talk about it to anybody for two days but I woke up and I knew that if action was taken now this was a warning and just like when God told Jonah go to Nineveh because he was going to bring judgement on Nineveh if they would repent or take action that judgement they could be spared and ultimately Nineveh was spared for a season that the judgement that was predicted or prophesied didn't come immediately just like Hezekiah was told get your house in order you're going to die that was a prophetic word but by his repentance and his response and turning his face to the wall the lord added 15 years of his life and I knew just like this attack that came from the southern border in the US this attack that they are also planning in the US has come through people coming through our southern border we need to pray and walk and listen and be alert and be like the sons of Issachar who know the times and seasons. We need to be able to have a serious level of spiritual awareness and situational awareness. We need to be trained on disaster response, disaster prevention, and we need to know the warning signs around us wherever you live of the warning signs and evidences of this dream that I saw these 12 terrorist cells that are currently sleeping or dormant that can activate upon command. This is a serious prophetic dream I haven't had a dream like this since the 50 bill dream, okay? And I know that prayer and human will can affect the outcome and this is given as a warning and I think that we can change the result of this but if we don't, what I saw would happen. Wow. Okay. Ginger, I I want to do a little bit of backdrop for the Flyover family of something they may not be be aware of. We've covered it on a show that you and I did in the past but on April the 13th 2000twenty-four, I received a text from you that morning. I was in Branson, Missouri and it said, April 13th, Iran fires three 00 missiles and drones most intercepted minor minor damage over Israel and you contacted me that day and said we've got to pray and and so started praying later that day David and I were on a drive in Branson and we drove by this place that says the Enclave 23520 well Enclave stood out in my mind I never knew that word before hearing about you encounter that you had with the Lord and him saying Enclave, Enclave, Enclave, and then spelling out Enclave and then you talking about Chris Reed's dream that happened on October 8th that had to do with Enclave. So I I send you the picture knowing that 3520 meant something. I didn't know what. And you're like well let's look up scripture. Let's figure out what what is God saying in the scripture. Well he took us to Psalm 3520 and thirty-five twenty said for they do not speak peace but they devised deceitful matters against the quiet ones in the land. This was significant because to me and to the prophetic report because Robin Bullock had talked about declaring Psalm 3-5 over our country which was the lord the adventure of his people is what the title is in my Bible and we had done that all of 2022 and part of 2023 declaring Psalm 35 and so Utah about the significance of Psalm 3520 and where we were. God is always giving us signs. He's allowing us to be a part of what he's doing and so we started praying immediately for protection over the United States because if you guys remember the thing that the Lord highlighted to Chris Reed was so goes Israel so goes America. So Ginger do you want to jump in and just talk about you know how this ties into what we just heard from Chris Reed. Alright, it's one, two, three is what it is. That's how God speaks. He speaks so plainly. We have to understand how he talks but he speaks to us so plainly. I had the enclave vision which was a vision. It was a real vision. It was not a dream. It was not okay. So, what he showed me was a way. Now, go back to ninety-one. Tell the sun and moon stand still. So, when I was like this, I had the ability to hold back sun, moon, stand still. So I was holding back and it was just like Chris said in his dream good people, bad people, and the demonic. And so we go all the way to where we get to his dream. Then this is so encouraging. If people can interpret this correctly he was giving a cellphone a way to understand what they were doing. That's that's Elisha and the bed chamber he could pray he could see he knew the king of Syria was over here and he knew how to stop him over there and there and so God is showing us I'm telling you ahead of time and his whole dream if you just look at a dream it sounds scary but if you listen to what the man said there's a way to turn this there's a way to stop this is exactly what God was doing when he told me enclave it was interesting enclave was given to me six times which is the Number of man. Three times in words and three times spelled out. Spelled out. Spelled out. I'm spelling this out for you so you can get it. Yes. Okay so in Chris's dream God was revealing to him where the enemy was. He was saying this and you can stop it if we do this and so then we come up. He even mentioned Jonah so we end up with this enclave. And I mean gosh I mean we're looking at this thing. We'll go okay let's see the moon, the sun, and here we're having all of this happen, the eclipse comes along. God is still speaking. Yup, he's still telling us, okay, so we know what's and it's not all a bunch of those people are honest. They just want to be here. They want freedom. I mean, every time I hear things that happen to those children, I, man, I have a hard time with that. They just want to be here and they're they're seeking help but there's the evil in it. Mm hmm. There's people that so Satan what he wants, what did he say? How many times did he use the word control? Oh. But control and so the whole thing about Satan you ought to hate him because he wants to control you he wants to control your thoughts I mean they're trying to put stuff in people's brain I mean come on they want he wants to control what you say what you don't say he wants to control whether you have air conditioner you don't have air conditioning he wants to control whether you have good water or bad water control control he wants slaves so But God is saying in all this I mean I made notes. I've listened to this so many different times. It it we're in a crisis. And all of this is pointing to like hello we're here right now. Cuz we just had this court case. We're we're on manual on the edge of the cliff. But again God is saying I'm telling y'all you can turn this thing around. Just like he told them. Y'all do not have to go to Babylon. I mean Jeremiah told them. Y'all don't have to do this. And so there's enough of us. I firmly believe there's enough of us that we got my prayer was put your words in my mouth. Mhm. So we can take these prophetic words that are being given to us. We take the scriptures just like the Psalm scripture. We take those scriptures and we start praying them out. Just like Mary said. Be it done unto me according to your word. Yes. We start praying those things out and making decrees. We can turn these things around and we can like shed light on where these these groups are. Or maybe turn the whole thing around. I I just I have, I mean, I'm so glad you played it again because it really is encouraging to me because there's hope. I saw hope all the way through. I was making notes the whole time. Hope, hope, hope, hope all the way through. Now, we do need a president that's going to cooperate with God. Yup. You know, and we need somebody that's like going to say, what are you saying God? We're going to do it your way. We do need that but you know, you know what God told Elijah. I mean, he was he was like moan and groaning in the the cave and said you know like whatever God nobody loves you but me and the lord said snap out of come on what's the matter with you there's 7000 more down there just like you and so God's got 7000 of us we know for sure and so there's enough of us that we can do this and we have literally repented repented repented for our self and everybody in the sun and we ask God what can we do how can we change it I still think we can change it but we're right on edge of it and this is not time to be and I say this all the time you know it's not time to be running out there and eating and running to the movies and like whatever this is we're in a war when Nehemiah had them on the wall they had a bucket of mud in one hand they had a sword in the other hand and this is where we are right now we've got we're trying to repair the walls in the United States and we got a sword in the other hand the sword of the word and so it's time now and we've got a matter of days, weeks and God will show us exactly what the enemy is planning and then we get in that secret prayer call that we get with our our teams and we start praying. We start making decrees and we start changing things and we can turn this thing around. We really can. I believe it. Not going to take everybody in America but we better get on it right now. We better knock off some of this other stuff we're doing and get with this. This is important right now. It is for sure. Oh Wanna take you now to another dream that that you and I have talked about that we really believe is for now. I have played it a few times over the last couple of weeks for the Flyover family whether it be on the Flyover Conservative Show or the Prophetic Report but or even a special report. Uh that's how many times I've played it but I do believe it's for now and I want to get after we'll play it. We'll come back and get your take on it and how we can pray specifically. This again is Chris Reed. This is from March the 9th 2thousand twenty-four and it's called a rebirth of America. Check this out. Amen. I share this dream to you today in the fear of the Lord. I've just given it a title to recognize it, the Rebirth of America Dream. I had an intense dream Saturday morning, March the 9th 20twenty-four that seemed prophetic about the eclipse in April 20twenty-four that's being talked about triggering an awakening that starts in April 20 twenty-four and until July 2025. So over a year. I'm only sharing the dream no more, no less. I was moving fast in time in the dream. Starting in April 20 twenty-four with the eclipse that crossed over Texas which people have been talking about. It seemed in this dream that Texas was pulled into this. At the same time around April 20 twenty-four, a conception, metaphorically, a conception happened at this time and coincided with this eclipse. Lead To something serious happening in the nation before the elections in November 20 twenty-four. Before the elections. Something serious. This event caused absolute chaos. And affected the elections in the US in November 20 twenty-four. It seemed like an epic October surprise. And pandemonium ensued. In the dream I knew that President Biden had fizzled out and they had tried hard to prop him up. But event right before the election caused a major division of America right before and during the election time. It intensified the division already in the nation to a very scary and intense level and then the dream shifted and it was somehow I was in 1968 and I was given an old newspaper which said, assassination of two major leaders in the same year of the Chicago Convention unquote and I'm sure you know you know this to be the case as well Robert Kennedy Senior Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Junior who were both killed in 1968 tragically, but what's also interesting about 1968 the Democratic Convention was in Chicago and it's in Chicago in 20 twenty-four and I knew that that was significant but through all of the painful chaos in the streets, the economy, and on the news, America had a huge awakening of awareness of evil and corruption going on in America And it was like the vast majority of the nation on the other side of this said we can never let this happen again. We can't. The dream ended and at the end of the dream, it was July 2025. Now, for some reason, July the 11th was highlighted to me on the calendar. It seemed like most of the chaos ended in the nation and things were starting to heal by July twenty twenty-five. It had all started in the April, May 20twenty-four time with the eclipse beginning coinciding with the conception. And there were 40 weeks long of pregnancy with intense birth pains intensifying before the delivery. And then there were complications before the birth and after the birth. Since the conception happens in around April nine months later would have the baby being being born in January of twenty twenty-five. Now a interesting about that. That's also typically when the inauguration takes place. But this baby was born and and and the thing that happened right before the election was almost like it went into Braxton Hicks contractions. It seemed like the birthing time was then but it was still very intense and felt very real and it was like the baby wanted to come at that moment but somehow it was delayed to not being born ahead of time as a premature baby before the election when this bad event happens and it held off until January so the birth as I said was in January 2025 and was placed in an incubator even after it was born for several months. The baby lived and it was a beautiful baby and the dream ended by me seeing this baby wrapped in an American flag and it was like in the maternity ward and you know how like they have babies laying in little beds with their name tags at the top the name of the baby was America and so I couldn't help believe it was the rebirth of America and so I I think what's important you know to share about that just a summary Pull this summary up here. The dream seems to portray an awakening starting starting in April 20twenty-four with a significant shaking going on starting then. Coinciding with a coinciding with a 40 week long painful and traumatic pregnancy. A traumatic event triggers chaos before the elections and the chaos lasted for several months. And the birth occurred in January of 2025 requiring care in the incubator at least until July 20 twentyfive. The 1968 convention which was chaotic by the way. The Democratic Convention in 1968 was very chaotic. It was very much a time like Now there was a lot of protests and just does anybody remember the convention of 1968 in Chicago. Yeah well it's scheduled to be in Chicago this year. And here's the part and we need to pray about all of this. I I I think this is a a warning and a call to the intercessors and to the people of God to take this serious. Because in the dream referencing the 1968 Democratic in Chicago referencing knowing Martin Luther King Junior and of course Bobby Kennedy were both killed I felt that the warning was there seems to be an indication of a coming assassination attempt sometime during this 16 month process from April 20 twenty-four till July 2025 and so we don't want to see that happen to anybody but I feel that this is important to share and to put before the body of believers to pray into this to see if the lord can can intervene and help us and show us what to pray and how to pray and as some of this can be lessened or prevented and I believe the dream was significant and so I think we are entering into a unique time in American history. Um these next starting in April, I mean, really now but starting in April, the is a 16-month process or thereabouts that I believe is very integral to the restoration or the rebirthing of this nation. Wow. Okay. So, I felt like that timeline was very significant. So, what I did is I I put it all together. If you Flyover family want the timeline, just text the phone number four zero 5 zero nine. Text the word dream to four zero 5 zero nine. Text the word dream. You're going to get the breakdown of that timeline. Again, four zero five zero nine. It's either dream or dreams. You do either one but dreams to fourzero5 zero 9. Alright, Ginger, take it, take it from here. What's your thought? It's obviously for now, what do we do as the body of Christ? Well, we got two things. We gotta make sure that the enclave doesn't happen. So, God outlined how to do that and now we we are in the process of praying out, decreeing birthing of a brand-new America, a brand-new government, a brand-new way of life for us and the time mind is perfect. We know exactly what to do. We know where we are right now. And so all we do is just keep I mean they need to keep this dream in front of you. So we just go step by step. It's just like a a a diary. You can see every single day. So we are constantly and as far as the you mentioned the sixty-eight nineteen sixty-eight. Mhm. I just want to bring this out when the Lord told us in twenty fifteen about King David the I also told the prayer group I said when he's an old man I said we will have to watch just like they did to David they went in when he was an old man and they tried to take over his kingdom but God made sure he had three faithful friends that went in and literally took him out and saved his life I'm holding on to that I'm standing on that because that's from the scriptures when you when you have the scriptures you hang on to the scriptures and so we need to learn how to get the scriptures and pray those out this dream is saying there's hope. This dream is saying yeah it's going to be rocky 16 months. I mean like yes. What has already happened because he said there's going to be a trigger after April. Boom. What happened just a few days ago. Lord have mercy. You know. Yeah. So yeah we know but then we know there's something else coming. We know something else is coming. We know July's coming. We know October's coming. But what can we do? This dream indicates. And I know the dream is from the Lord. This dream indicates we can turn this if we stay steady and we have no fear and we say this is what God said I see America I see America wrapped in the flag I see this can be turned around I'm going to do what God is asking me to do I am not afraid Imma face this thing and stop running from reality this is where we are right now and do it if you can't do it for yourself it's just like all the men and women when in the first war and the second war we all know people time I see some of those men that are 90 and 100 years old I look at them and the ladies they did that for us listen if you can't do it for yourself fight for somebody else we can do this we can get this turned around but we going to have to pay attention and we can't sleep we gotta stay awake gotta stay awake gotta stay awake because it's one 2345 just like that we I think we can even change what's going to the similarities of nineteen sixty-eight I think we could change that. I believe we could pray. We could intercede. God help us stand in the gap and make up the hedge. I really believe we can change a whole bunch of it. I don't think we need to be afraid. I think we need to be tougher in shoe leather. You know Robin was talking about how he was raised. You know I was like I was raised with no running water, no electricity and all that stuff and people say oh my gosh poor don't pour me man. It made me tough. I'm so thankful because I didn't know I was going to be living this long and here I am and I'm grateful that God is have we need to just rise to the occasion and say no God is strengthen me with might in my inner man I can do this if I don't want to do it for myself I can do it for somebody else yes I mean we can be the four guys that rips the roof off you know let's go for it let's have a miracle here that an expectation of a miracle standing in the gap and knowing that we were born for such a time as this understanding that and stepping in the gap I love it. So, you know, Ginger, you and I have had so many conversations and in those, I'm like, we have to share this with the Flyover family. We have to give them the tools that you have been giving me and I am still learning and so excited to continue learning from you and so, you have agreed

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