#326 - 20130211 - Rocket Stove heater conclusion

7 months ago

It's done. It's great. Get out there and build something! PLANS ARE POSTED! Visit http://alt-nrg.org/ to get your copy!

Stove sits atop brick paver hearth, surrounded by cement board spaced 3/8" away from the walls and 1" off the floor on wood strips to shield, insulate and allow convection heat transfer from both sides of the cement board. Bench has aluminum flashing tacked to it.

And so that everyone understands why I took that jab at the permies.com celebrities and what I expect of them, the answer is simple. I was INVITED by the King celebrity there Paul Wheaton to be a GUEST at their forum and ASKED to post my project. I obliged. Then the forum mods started complaining to me that I did not comply with their house rules and tried to force me to use my real name (or a "real sounding name"). Their rules also state that one cannot use an obviously fake name. If I was to use ANY name it would obviously be fake so I refused to comply. Then they locked me out. Looks like they even locked the thread so no one can publicly express their disdain for the forum moderators for the way I was treated there. And so I ask...

Is this any way to treat an invited guest? If you invite someone new to your home, do you welcome them in the front door, fleece them for what you can, then say in order to stay and participate any longer they must dress as you? Grow a beard like you? Else be banished?

They owe me a VERY PUBLIC APOLOGY and reinstatement into their forum, real name rule be damned. When you invite me, you know who you're getting: ZeroFossilFuel. That's it. Take it or leave it.

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