ZEITGEIST: THE MOVIE | 2007 (HD) Think In Terms of Non-spinning Level Realm Earth

2 months ago

"Zeitgeist: The Movie" is the first film which is directed and produced by Peter Joseph in 2007.


More information can be found here:

Jordan Maxwell, George Carlin and Peter Joseph.

▶️ Summer to winter transition: Jesus is a metaphor for the SUN of God
-the sun moves south away from the northern people, appearing smaller in the sky.
- This brings colder and shorter days for the northern people.
-crops and nature die.
-The ancients saw winter as the death of the sun
-the Sun stops moving south on 22 December and stays the same degree for three days on the southern crux constellation (cross)

-so, the sun metaphorically dies on a cross for 3 days.

-On 25 December the sun now moves 1° northward.
-The sun (Jesus) is now starting to move NorthWord bringing back warmth to the northern people.
-The ancients saw this as the birth of the sun ☀️
-So, Jesus (THE SUN OF GOD) was born on the 25 December bringing salvation
-this is the original meaning of Christmas because the ancients would celebrate the return of the sun.

-The sun dies on a cross = Jesus
The sun is “BORN” on 25th December = Jesus
-Sun stays in same Degree for 3 days (DEAD FOR 3 DAYS) = Jesus
-Christianity day of worship = (SUNDAY)
-Jesus SON of God walks on water = SUN of God walks/reflects a path on Water

Horus Egyptian god:
-12 disciples
-Born December 25th
-Dead for 3 days & resurrected
-born a virgin
-did miracles

Jesus Christ:
-12 disciples
-born December 25th
-Dead for 3 days & resurrected
-Born a virgin
-Did miracles
-Star in the east ⭐️

-12 disciples
-Born December 25th
-Dead for 3 days & resurrected
-Born a virgin
-did miracles

-Born December 25th
-Born a virgin
-did miracles

Krishna (India 900bc):
Born December 25th
Born a Virgin
did miracles
Star in the east ⭐️

Hermes Trismegistus:
-Born December 25
-born a virgin
-did miracles

-Born December 25th
-Born a virgin
-Performed miracles
-Dead for 3 days & Resurrected

-Born December 25th
-Born a virgin
-Alpha & Omega
-King of kings
-Performed miracles

⭐️ Sirius is the star in the east aligned to the 3 kings and the birth of the SUN ☀️ at winter solstice.

This information comes from (zeitgeist 2007) documentary

Earth is a flat level enclosed realm with a firmament dome and greater lands beyond south perimeter Antarticia ice wall, - Nuke bombs are fake, but directed energy weapons are real don't Ya all know!

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