Top Ten Drinks You Should Never Have Again!

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Join us this Thursday at 2:30 pm ET/ 11:30 am PT where we dive into the top ten drinks you should avoid.

Discover the reasons behind why these popular beverages can harm your health and find out what you should be drinking instead.

- The dangers of energy drinks, alcohol, sugary beverages, and soda.

- Detailed explanations on why these drinks are detrimental to your health.

- Alternative beverages to maintain healthy hydration.

- How proper hydration supports nutrient absorption.

- Tips for detoxifying your body by choosing the right drinks.

LE Products

Prills and Pearls

Exsula Powrtein

RDT Chinese Herbal Drinks: Hot drinks

We've covered a lot about healthy drinks. If you're looking for customized strategies to manage your heart health effectively, we recommend a chat with Martin, our Health Coach. You can book a time with him at

Don’t forget to join us on Telegram each Sunday at 12 noon ET / 9am PT on Telegram: .

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