BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 7/11/2024 Jean Zott & Senator Jim Runestad

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9am Jean Zott - BREAKING NEWS - Election Integrity Crisis in Macomb
Board of Elections order issued to Stanley Grot on July 20, 2023. Until Stanley’s legal matters are settled, he is to remove himself from all election duties. The Shelby Township website instructs voters to send their absentee ballots directly to Stan. Stan recently posted in the C & G Newspaper the notice of the Election, signed by himself. Stan posted a YouTube video about voting in the August 6 election. Craig Cowper told the Election Committee that he wanted to store the absentee ballots in Stan’s office. Stan and Craig are the only two with keys. There are other key points that we will be covering today.
Jean Zott is running for Michigan House of Representatives in District 59.

10am Senator Jim Runestad - In 2022, Sen. Jim Runestad, R-White Lake, was elected to his second term in the Michigan Senate, representing part of western Oakland County.

Sen. Runestad is committed to looking out for the most vulnerable, fighting fraud and corruption in government, and defending families in the 23rd Senate District to the best of his abilities.

Sen. Runestad has been appointed by his colleagues to serve as the assistant Republican caucus chair. He has previously served as chairman of the Finance Committee and as a member of the Families, Seniors, and Veterans Committee, Appropriations Committee, Judiciary and Public Safety Committee, and Education and Career Readiness Committee.

Prior to joining the Senate, Runestad served four years in the Michigan House of Representatives, representing the former 44th District and serving as chair of the House Judiciary Committee. There he led efforts to reform child abuse and neglect investigations to better protect children and passed a law to crack down on felons who took bribes while in government. As a foster parent himself, the senator spearheaded legislation to require foster care quality standards statewide.

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Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Jean Zott, Senator Jim Runestad

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