James Peris: No Licence Nor Control [nr.03] London / Londres

7 months ago

Welcome to the third episode of James Peris: No License Nor Control, a comedy adventure game where I play as the worldā€™s worst spy. In this episode, James arrive in London to investigate the disappearance of another agent. He tries to gather some clues by interviewing some locals, but they are not very helpful. Then he ends up in a dark alley where he have to fight a thug who wants to rob him. He manages to shoot him, but not before he gives me a good beating. Finally, James enter a pizza place that looks very suspicious and smells even worse. What will James find there? Watch this episode to find out!

Originally uploaded mid-September 2018.

If you like what you see, get the game here -- https://store.steampowered.com/app/1243010/James_Peris_Sin_licencia_ni_control__Edicin_definitiva/

The "TsarKazmThe99th" character was made using geN8hedgehog's Furry Doll Maker on deviantArt. https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog/art/Male-Furry-Dollmaker-v1-1-64778353
gen8hedgehog deviantArt page: https://www.deviantart.com/gen8hedgehog

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