Vaccine Risks Versus Benefits: Autism and What the Science Reveals About Childhood Vaccine Injury

7 months ago

If parents fully understood the risk of vaccination would so many still vaccinate their children?
Professor of Biology, Brian Hooker saw a devastating turn of health in his, now adult, son following childhood vaccination. This would spark his years-long investigation into the links between vaccination and chronic illness, including autism, asthma, and autoimmune disorders.
For this “Vital Signs with Brendon Fallon” live webinar, Mr. Hooker shares the compelling warning signs contained in his new book: “Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak” – gauging the health of the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated across dozens of peer-reviewed studies.
Based on this data, the webinar will cover such point as:

how vaccinated children compare to unvaccinated children in health;

whether some children are at higher risk of vaccine injury than others; and

how vaccination affects the chances of developing autism.

Submit your own questions for the webinar’s live Q&A session at: and enter code 87654
“Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak” now available on Amazon:
Dr. Hooker is Chief Scientific Officer at Children’s Health Defense and professor emeritus of biology at Simpson University in Redding, California.

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