Beryl From The House - Monday Morning, not Terrible

7 months ago

Shot from my house... just let the GoPro run from the stoop at the front door. Early on, not that terrible. It's the raw footage edited out a lot.... My neighbor's generator is your soundtrack. LOL Power out by then. It's actually quite boring.... HA! It's just here for a piece of weather related history... Hurricanes, there's a lot of waiting... painfully waiting. You can do all you can do to protect yourself, unlike a tornado strike. You have time, sometimes weeks. If you notice, the media wants desperately to talk about "something" during a hurricane. It's not happening fast enough for them. These saps will show a gust of wind pusing a trash can down a street over and over again because nothing is happening yet. I fell sorry for these idiots. THere's a gazillion channels and they are all trying to one up each other. Stupidily, they all do the same thing. They have a reporter, stand in the rain with their baseball cap on, telling how terrible it is out there. The same formula over and over and over again. Frickin" idiots.They want to cover SOMETHING... ANYTHING... Nothing like a fool who thinks we are fools...........

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