MLR Protests Gay Pride Month 2024 ~ RJMI video lecture and footage

8 months ago

This lecture was done on 6/30/2024, the Sixth Lord’s Day after Pentecost.

This is the first LGBT event in Truth or Consequence (TorC) since 2018, when they paraded through town. That was the first such public event of the LGBT community in TorC. And MLR (Mary’s Little Remnant) protested it. See RJMI video/audio The Proper Way to Protest and LGBT Parade. This time they did not parade through town but on the Rio Grande River and had several events in buildings in town. MLR protested Pride Month and these events on the Triangle in TorC. * This lecture shows how LGBT persons’ love is from the Devil and not from God. They love the Devil and sin and Hate God and holiness. Whereas, true Catholics love God and holiness and hate the Devil and sin. * This lecture also deals with the necessity to condemn not only the sins of LGBT but also condemn the sinners, especially when they publicly flaunt their sins; and those who do so, must be harshly rebuked, mocked, and denigrated, to make reparation to God whom they mock and denigrate too. This will also help to deter others who may fall into these sins and convert those who have fallen into these sins. However, if any LGBT person wants to talk with me (RJMI) in private and has some good will, I will not be harsh but gentle and will be more than glad to help you overcome your sin, as we true Catholics do love all men and want them to be saved. See my (RJMI) book: "God Did Not Create Men to Be Homosexual" to help you overcome your LGBT sins.

From website:

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